May 23, 2018

Florence Chapter - Spring Resistance Events

The Florence and Central Italy Chapter has had a busy 2018 Spring Resistance Season.

On March 24th we participated in the sister march in Florence for the MARCH FOR OUR LIVES with over 800 rallies worldwide demanding that Congress protect the youth of America and all its citizens by calling on our lawmakers to pass effective gun safety legislation to end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools and communities today.  #NeverAgain

In April we stood in solidarity with science advocates everywhere at the MARCH FOR SCIENCE rally in Florence on April 14th to raise awareness on the importance of science and its research in our every day lives including environmental issues and climate change! We were joined by the Indian astrophysicist and activist, Prajval Shastri.

We then held a seminar along with the Florence Resistance Groups, Indivisible TUScany and Women's March Florence, where Professor Angelo Baracca, a leading Italian physicist from the University of Florence, spoke about the nuclear threat and the US government’s plans to develop ‘usable’ tactical nuclear weapons and the over 100 U.S. military bases in Italy.

[Science photos by Christina Nikolakopoulos of Women's March Florence].
