March 12, 2019

Office: Member-at-Large for Communications and Media

The Candidates


Lyndsay Obbarius Grieder (Basel)

BIO: I am from Minneapolis, Minnesota (a proud blue state girl!) and I have lived in Basel for the past 11 and half years.

STATEMENT: I was obviously very disheartened by what happened in 2016, as were many people, and I would like to actively play a part in helping to ensure that we can change the direction US politics have been moving in the upcoming 2020 elections. I would like to run for this position given my background and education in Journalism & Mass Communication. I have a BA in the field and I feel that my skill set would be complementary to this role. In my current full-time job I work on a lot of communication for business development within my firm, but I do miss some the core journalistic competencies that I studied years back. 

(Lyndsay’s photo available here )


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