November 10, 2018

Turning the US Blue from Abroad

The House district map turns more blue each day as absentee ballots are counted and tight elections called. Those last votes flipping races? Those are ours! 

Voting from abroad is not always easy. But you did it. This year hundreds of thousands of Americans abroad persisted and voted. Democrats Abroad was right there with you. I'm so proud of all the work that our volunteers did - calling voters, answering questions online, going to schools, companies, and events across the world to help you vote.

Our work is not done yet.

The tight races in Arizona, Florida and Georgia have highlighted the value of our votes from abroad, but they have also highlighted the Republican Party's attempts to stand in the way of counting ballots. Democrats Abroad, state parties, and the DNC are fighting back. Here's what we're doing:

  • We're helping Arizona voters abroad make sure their votes are "cured". This most often means checking to make sure a mailed in signature matches a voter's signature on record. Proactive outreach helps make sure these blue votes are counted before the deadline passes to fix them.
  • We're helping Florida voters abroad check their ballot status and navigate problems. Our voting experts are working the phones, explaining federal law and pushing to make sure each vote is counted.
  • We’re also fighting to make sure every ballot is counted in Georgia, where we’re working with lawyers and the local voter protection team to ensure counties adhere to federal laws for overseas voters.

If you're a voter in Arizona, Florida or Georgia, here's how you can make sure your vote counts. If you'd like to help reach voters from these states, consider joining our phonebanking campaigns this week.

And if you're wondering just how well we've done this election, we flipped:

The US House of Representatives! 

At least 32 US House seats
At least 329 State legislative seats
8 state legislatures 
7 governorships
4 Attorney General seats
2 Secretary of State seats
1 Senate seat (so far)
We also broke the back of 4 Republican supermarjorities in state legislatures
4 states voted to expand voting rights
3 states voted to expand Medicaid
2 states voted to raise the minimum wage

Thank you again!