Democrats Abroad UK’s 2023-2025 Leaders


Officers are elected from the membership for a two-year term.  Democrats Abroad UK’s by-laws require gender balance between the Chair and Vice Chair office holders. The specific duties of each Officer is set out in the By-laws, Art. V., Sec 5.4.

Democrats Abroad UK Executive Committee

Democrats Abroad UK’s Executive Committee consists of eight elected members, plus the organization’s Officers.  Its purpose is to review and approve the Chair’s activities, confirm the appointment of committee chairs and review their activities, review and implement recommendations from the Standards and Ethics Committee, and authorize budgets and unbudgeted expenditures exceeding £1,000.
Linda Adeson
Todd Huntley
Elizabeth Kelly
Ruth Parsons 
Caroline Ruchonnet
Ariadne Schulz
Joy Taylor
Joshua Van der Ploeg

Democrats Abroad UK Council

Democrats Abroad UK’s Council is comprised of at least 15 members and who are elected for a two-year term.  Its purpose is to promote the interests and activities of Democrats Abroad UK.

Linda Adeson
Austin Allaire
Sarah Amandes
Douglas Andrews
Tony Anzelmo
Aliza Blachman O’Keeffe
Julian Becker
Michaela Brady
Susan Cameron
Elaine Capizzi
Alan Cheilek
Alden Conner
Bryan Cortright
Lenelle Davis
Charla Devereux
Brett McHargue
Patrick Hurley
Elizabeth Kelly
Inge Kjemtrup
Rebecca Lammers
Hailey Macdonald
Sharon Manitta
Aubrey McKinnon
Beth Monahan Brown
Laura Mosedale
Stanley Musgrave
Mark Pendell
Robert Platt
Katya Raffensperger
Nathan Richard Zaccai
Alexander Richards
Chloe Richardson
Caroline Ruchonnet
Nicole Satullo
John Scardino
Ariadne Schulz
Frederick Sprague
Stephanie Stewart
Flora Strange
Asha Subas
Monica Tanouye
Joy Taylor
Susan Trevelyan-Syke
Joshua Van der Ploeg
Johnny Walker
David Wenk
Susan Wolfe

Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA) Representatives

Members of Democrats Abroad UK are represented in the Democratic Party of Committee Abroad (“DPCA”), the official State party representing overseas Americans, by the Chair, Vice Chair, and other elected Voting representatives authorized by the DPCA Charter. The role of Voting Representatives is to remain informed of issues arising at the DPCA, and of the desires of Democrats Abroad UK Members regarding those issues. They attend meetings of the DAUK Executive Committee when DPCA matters are on the agenda. They attend all DPCA meetings at which they are entitled to vote. The Democratic Party gender balance rules apply to the Voting Representatives, including persons whose gender is non-binary. 

DPCA Voting Representatives

Linda Adeson
Austin Allaire
Julian Becker
Alan Cheilek
Alden Conner
Derek Crolla
Anders Hove
Todd Huntley
Adrienne Johnson
Elizabeth Kelly
Inge Kjemtrup
Rebecca Lammers
Michael Macy
Laura Mosedale
Mark Pendell
Robert Platt
Katya Raffensperger
Caroline Ruchonnet
John Scardino
Ariadne Schulz
Flora Strange
Joshua Van der Ploeg
David Wenk

DPCA Non-Voting Representatives

Tom Hunersen
Patrick Hurley
Elisa Knebel
Aubrey McKinnon
Beth Monahan Brown
Ruth Parsons
Chloe Richardson
Joy Taylor
Johnny Walker