VMF Film and Book Recommendations June 2023


Da 5 Bloods

Four Vietnam vets return to Vietnam to search for the remains of their squad leader and the gold they buried with him. Starring Delroy Lindo, Clarke Peters, Norm Lewis and Isiah Whitlock, Jr., they each must recognize and come to grips with their PTSD. Directed by Spike Lee. Watch the trailer here. 2020, distributed by Netflix, Rated R. Available on Netflix.



Marine Jake Wood served in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2010, Wood and William McNulty founded Team Rubicon in response to the Haiti earthquake. Team Rubicon wanted to solve two problems: Inadequate disaster relief and inadequate veteran reintegration into civilian life. Veterans’ training make them well-suited to disaster relief, while helping others can promote healing from the effects of war that often result in PTSD and/or suicide. “Coming home from war is a life-long process. Sometimes we try to fool ourselves into thinking we’ve made it back, but that’s never the case.” - Jake Wood. Penguin Publishing Group, 2020, wherever books are sold.