Letter from the Chair
The past year has tested us in ways we never imagined, with women’s rights facing unprecedented challenges. Yet, as Senator Elizabeth Warren reminded us, 'Over 74 million Americans voted for Democrats in this election. They don't expect us to roll over & play dead.' Her words inspire us as we step into 2025 with renewed determination. Progressive victories across the country prove that our fight is far from over. The Global Women’s Caucus is ready to rise to the challenge and continue the critical work ahead. Read on to learn how we are taking action—and how you can help. Together, we can make 2025 a year of hope, action, and meaningful change.
In solidarity,
Ann Hesse, Chair DA Global Women’s Caucus
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Is there hope for ERA?
It's now the beginning of 2025 and the Equal Rights Amendment is still not published in the U.S. Constitution. The only chance for anything to happen this year is if President Biden instructs the U.S. Archivist to publish it. Many organizations, including Democrats Abroad, are calling on him to do so. The likely last chance date for it to happen is January 15, five days before he leaves office. DA is encouraging our members to email, text or call him during the first two weeks of the new year - see www.democratsabroad.org/era for details.
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was passed by Congress in 1972 and sent to the states for ratification. In January 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify it. The ERA has met all the Constitutional requirements to be the 28th Amendment. Unfortunately, under President Trump, the Department of Justice issued a memo to the Archivist not to publish it just shortly before it was fully ratified. As a result, it is 'stuck' in limbo. President Biden has deferred to Congress to declare it valid but although the House passed a resolution, the Senate could only garner 52 votes, not enough to meet the 60 vote filibuster threshold.
So, here we are at the beginning of 2025 and President Biden has the power to do something but so far, has not. Even the American Bar Association has called upon him to publish it.
If nothing happens before January 20, it is likely the ERA will not be published for years, if not decades. It's already been 102 years since it was first introduced. Of course, it should have been part of the Constitution since 1776!
Please join me in making an all-out effort to encourage President Biden to do what is right for American women, in fact all Americans, by including the ERA in the Constitution before he leaves office.
Shari Temple
ERA Task Force Chair
[email protected]
Join Us for These Events!
Join the UK Women's Caucus in the global Women’s March on January 18.
The DAUK Women's Caucus will host a standing demonstration at the U.S. Embassy in solidarity with protesters in Washington, D.C., taking part in the People’s March for a feminist-led day of action (hosted by Women’s March).
MLK had a Dream. Trump is a Nightmare. Take your pick for January 20th!”
Coincidentally, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 20, is the same day as the Inauguration. As counter-programing, our Global Black Caucus is sponsoring an MLK Day event starting at 12 pm EST/6 pm CET. They’ll have some great guests to help us understand and fight to maintain our rights now and in the future.
Lives of Girls and Women, our next Books Abroad selection in honor of Alice Munro, will surprise. A far cry from our last read, Electable? Not really.
Yes, it’s literary, yes, it’s a novel. And in its page after page of magnificent and always wow writing we see girls become women and women still bearing the brunt of inequality.
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For a full list of events, including from other caucuses & chapters, visit our Events page.
Join the GWC Leadership Team—Be Part of What’s Next
As we step into a new year, the words of Amanda Gorman inspire us to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re headed:
"Tethered by this year of yearning,
We are learning
That though we weren’t ready for this,
We have been readied by it.
"So let us not return to what was normal,
But reach toward what is next.”
At GWC, we’re committed to building that “next.” We’ve faced challenges, grown stronger, and are determined to keep moving forward. But we need your help.
We’re looking for passionate leaders and volunteers to join our team, help us strategize, and bring our vision for the future to life. Together, we can turn reflection into action, sorrow into strength, and ideas into impact.
Are you ready to be bold and help pave the way forward? Click here for more information and to get involved!
For the full inspiration of Amanda Gorman’s poem New Day’s Lyric, read it here as well as watch and listen to the YouTube video, by clicking here or clicking on Amanda's image on the left.
In Closing
Please remember that we are a 100% all-volunteer organization.
Your donation goes a long, long way.
Even a tiny contribution means a lot to us!
Please follow this link and give what you can.
If you cannot afford to make a donation, consider volunteering your time, or bringing a friend to one of our events.
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Thank you for reading this issue. Please share with your friends and family and follow us on social media.
Here’s to a new year of hope, resilience, and meaningful change.
With determination and unity,
The Global Women’s Caucus