July 10, 2019


In solidarity with Lights for Liberty campaign

We invite all Americans in Japan to join us in raising our voices and uniting with people around the world opposing the disgraceful treatment of immigrants by and the cruel immigration policy of the current US administration. It's more important than ever to use your voice to push back against inhumane border policies.


  • July 4-13, Online campaign and calling our Members of Congress
  • July 13 4 pm, In-person action at the Statue of Liberty in Odaiba, Tokyo
  • More information and updates on the Facebook Event page 

What we know

Our families immigrated to the United States. We made the United States home to people from every nation, religion, culture, ethnicity and economic class. We may live far away from the United States, but still believe in the American ideals of tolerance, freedom, equality, and opportunity.

Immigration has always been complicated and mired in political controversy. Today, we have a president whose main concern appears to be stopping families - just like our own - from fleeing poverty and strife and seeking a better life by making the Unites States their home.

Caging people, mistreating them while in our custody, separating children from their parents, turning away from the sexual abuse at these facilities, and allowing people to die while in our custody are totally unacceptable. More than that – these action fly in the face of American ideals of justice, freedom and due process.

We may be far away from the United States, but we will join with millions of people all over the globe protesting the inhumane treatment of immigrants held in US custody.

Make your voice be heard. Together, we can. Together, we must. #CloseTheCamps #DontLookAway

If you want to hold an action in your area, and want some ideas, please contact us.




Sarajean, [email protected]
