April 18, 2021

The 2021 DAJ National Election is Open for Voting!

The Nomination and Election Committee (NEC) of Democrats Abroad Japan (DAJ) would like to open voting for the 2021 National Election from now (April 18th) until May 28th at 11:59pm!

Please download the following document for everything you need in order to vote, including instructions for casting your ballot, the statements from the candidates, and your empty ballot: http://drive.google.com/file/d/1AktdH-H6RkSxFiIJS-0Db6pMn0PM7a90/view?usp=sharing

PLEASE NOTE: Only vote for the Member-at-Large in the region of Japan you reside in. (e.g. If you reside in Tokyo, please only vote for "Member-at-Large for Eastern/Northern Honshu", leave the other Member-at-Large positions blank)

Voting Instructions

Please fill out the attached ballot and vote your preference for each of the officer positions. Indicate your choice by marking the box before the name of your chosen candidate for office. Each candidate listed has confirmed their interest in each position. Voting for a write-in candidate is allowed, but that candidate must meet the eligibility requirements for that position and accept said position within 30 days of receiving a plurality of votes after the election. You must both print your name and sign the bottom of the ballot. Unsigned ballots are considered to be invalid under the Democratic National Committee (DNC) bylaws.

You can submit your ballot in one of three ways in this election:

  • Fill out the ballot electronically and attach it in an e-mail to [email protected].
  • Print the ballot, fill it out, scan or take a photo, and attach it in an e-mail to [email protected].
  • Send in your ballot via postal mail. To ask for the mailing address, please email [email protected].

Voting closes on Friday May 28th at 11:59pm JST. All ballots must be received by this time. If submitting by mail, it is recommended you submit your ballot one week beforehand in order to ensure it will be received and counted. As a reminder, in order to vote in this election, you must be an American citizen, 18 years of age or older, a member of Democrats Abroad Japan, and a resident of Japan.

Ballot Tallying

After being received, the NEC will count the ballots and make a full report to the DAJ membership by or before May 29th, 2021. The ballots will be tallied by the NEC on Saturday May 29th at 1pm JST online via WebEx. Anyone in our membership may attend as a neutral observer to the process.

WebEx Link: http://democratsabroad.webex.com/webappng/sites/democratsabroad/meeting/info/f25b6aa48d136e7d90ad6ad11e9a6c08 
Password: dems

If you have any questions concerning the ballot process or procedures, please contact the NEC at [email protected].

Gregorio Gagnon, Anna Costello, and Kiyoko Ayukawa
DAJ 2021 Nomination and Election Committee