On Sunday, May 22nd, the Democrats Abroad voting body (known as the DPCA or Democratic Party Committee Abroad) will meet to vote on the FATCA Repeal resolution that the Taxation Task Force put forward to change Democrats Abroad policy. We are asking all DA members to please add your signature in support of the resolution. It takes only 1 minute.
Click here to add your signature to support the FATCA repeal resolution.
If you have a few more minutes, please contact your DA country's voting representatives and ask them to vote in favor of the FATCA repeal resolution at the DA global meeting on May 22nd. To do this, follow these steps:
- Go to democratsabroad.org
- At the top of the page, click on "Countries", select the region you live in, and then the country you live in.
- On the next page, there will be an email address for your DA country's leadership team somewhere on the page.
- Email that email address and ask them to vote for the FATCA repeal resolution and to forward your email to all your country's voting reps in advance of the vote on Sunday.
Here is a template email that you can use to send to your DA country's leadership team, but feel free to write an email in your own words:
To: [email address listed on your DA country's page]
Subject: Please vote YES on FATCA repeal resolution this Sunday and forward this email to all my DPCA reps
Dear DA Leaders,
My name is [your name] and I am writing to you to ask that you vote yes on Sunday for the FATCA repeal resolution.
Americans abroad have suffered severe material harm from FATCA for over a decade, in the most extreme circumstances divorce from a non-US spouse and suicide. As a Democrat living abroad, I want to see Democrats Abroad as an organization standing up for Americans abroad and to recognize the problems that FATCA has caused.
[Insert personal story where you were impacted by FATCA (bank closures or denial of banking in the country that you live in.]
If you have any questions about the resolution in advance of the vote, please contact the authors of the resolution Rebecca Lammers and Nick Lee.
[Your Name]
Thank you so much for taking the time to help with this. Your voice matters and this is one small step of many to prevent further harm and unintended consequences for Americans abroad.