You can find the list of verified and confirmed candidates below. There is a link to a candidate page to see their candidate statement, their photo, and endorsements for every candidate that provided that information. The names in red have a link.
Meet Your Candidate (MYC) video interviews have been posted on the individual candidate pages of the candidates who agreed to do a video. There are videos for the following candidates: Julia Bryan, Alex Montgomery, Salli Swartz, and Lissette Wright.
Julia Bryan (F, Czech Republic)
Wyatt Horan (M, United Kingdom)
Wyatt Horan (M, United Kingdom)
Alex Montgomery (M, Hong Kong)
Wyatt Horan (M, United Kingdom)
Lissette Wright (F, Canada)
Jeffrey Cheng (M, Sweden)
Wyatt Horan (M, United Kingdom)
Kathleen Jones (F, United Arab Emirates) - WITHDREW
Joseph Smallhoover (M, France)
Salli Swartz (F, France)
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