August 24, 2023

GOP Debates

DA response:

Dear Folks,

First, well done to those who survived the entire debate!  It was a painful sight.

Possible push-backs:

  1. The President has never supported de-funding the police.
  2. The Biden bills have funded building factories in America to make lithium batteries.  The President is working to bring manufacturing jobs back home.
  3. It was interesting to hear a question about climate change from a young Republican.  He must have been disappointed by the range of comments, especially Mr. Ravaswamy saying it is"...a hoax.".  What is there in the GOP for young people?
  4. There was no serious discussion about the gun crisis in our country (well, there was little serious discussion on anything!).
  5. Mr. Ravaswamy needs to go back to school - the Constitution was written AFTER the Revolutionary War.
  6. Gov. DeSantis said he kept Florida open throughout the COVID epidemic.  Not true!  The state shut down schools, stopped visits to nursing homes, stopped non-urgent medical treatment, and stopped some flights from other states.  He did open up the state earlier than many others.
  7. Republicans view government as something bad...until they need their services!
  8. Many of them compared our southern border to the situation in Ukraine.
  9. None of them have a positive vision of America or believe in Americans having the rights and freedoms so many have fought and died for.
  10. They wrap themselves in the Constitution but would take its rights away from opponents.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Manitta

DPCA Press Secretary

[email protected]


P.S. from Angela - [email protected]

This debate was a horror show and a glimpse of what 2025 will be like if a Republican wins the presidential election. If you have any ideas for how we can reach more Americans abroad or fundraise, now is the time to come forward and make suggestions. We all know democracy is not a spectator sport. Now is the time to make that more than a slogan.