We need your help for our VMF Voter Registration Teams! Please sign up for the DA Voter Assistance Training Workshops so you can be ready to help fellow Americans vote in the Presidential election. We want to ensure that every U.S. citizen in Germany votes in the upcoming elections! Every vote is needed! Contact us for more information: [email protected]
Voter Assistance Training-Help Us Help Overseas Voters
Please support our efforts on behalf of Veterans and Military Families.
Check the Global VMF Caucus webpage
Join the VMF caucus!
Visit and Follow the VMF Facebook page.
Send us your suggestions: [email protected]
Read the February 2024 Global Veterans and Military Families Caucus Newsletter
2024 Democratic Global Primary
March 5-12 Vote in the 2024 Global Presidential Primary in Germany
The DA Global Presidential Primary(GPP) in Germany is coming up! You will have the chance to go to the polls and vote in person! Find a voting location near you! Volunteer to help your chapter’s GPP!
Aachen, Berlin, Bonn, Bremen, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern-Saarland, Munich, Münster, Nürnberg, Regensburg, Wiesbaden
Global Presidential Primary (GPP) Voting Center Locations
National Salute to Veteran Patients
February 3 – Deadline to register special election in NY’s 3rd Congressional District
February 3 – Four Chaplains Day
February 4 – USO Birthday
February 4 – Philippine-American War Memorial Day
February 6 – Deadline to request ballot (email ok) for special election in New York's 3rd Congressional District.
February 10 – VMF Caucus Meeting 14:00 EST WebEx link
February 11-17 – National Salute to Veteran Patients
February 11 – FVAP will broadcast public service announcements on the Armed Firces Network (AFN-TV) during the Super Bowl to encourage people to register to vote. Host a Voter Registration drive during your Super Bowl party!
February 12 – Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday Abraham Lincoln: Facts, Assassination
February 13 – Ballots must be postmarked (mail only ballot return) for special election in New York's 3rd Congressional District
February 19 – Presidents Day Is It President’s Day, Presidents’ Day, or Presidents Day?
February 19 – Coast Guard Reserve Birthday
February 20 – World Day of Social Justice
February 22 – George Washington’s Birthday - Life, Accomplishments, & Facts
February 22 – Deadline for receipt of Ballots for New York's 3rd Congressional District
Upcoming DA Activities
Upcoming Events
March 5-12 – Global Presidential Primary Germany-wide
April 18 – 3rd Annual Germany Retiree Survivor Workshop, in-person event from 1300-1500 at the LRMC Heaton Auditorium (Landstuhl).
This is your chance to personally sit down with Legal, VA, Tricare,Casualty Manager & Post-Retirement Services Officer, members of the US Army Regional Mortuary Europe/Africa, KMC Retiree Council and many more!
May – Memorial Day Luxembourg American Cemetery
June 6 – D-Day 80th anniversary at Omaha Beach in Normandy
June 28-July 4 – Armed Forces Voters Week and Overseas Citizens Voters Week
August 1-8 – Military Spouse Voters Week-Encourage all absentee military spouse voters to register to vote and fill out the FVAP.
October 1-8 – Absentee Voters Week–Encourage people to request their absentee ballots!
Thanks to you we’re within a few votes of getting Congress to place the ERA in the Constitution but we need to keep contacting our representatives in Congress. Let your two Senators and your Representative know that we need their support now for the ERA. Affirm ERA as the 28th Amendment with the Action Button – the power of action is in your hands!
New Year's Resolution – The Year of Women and the Equal Rights Amendment. Resolved: In 2024, permanent protection for women, reproductive healthcare, gender equality, personal freedom and democracy will be added to the Constitution. Only the ERA offers the most permanent protection for reproductive rights, economic equality, LGBT+ rights, personal freedoms and democracy.
VA Information For Veterans Living Overseas
If you’re a Veteran who lives overseas, you remain entitled to the benefits and services you earned through your military service. Most VA benefits are payable regardless of your place of residence or nationality. VA benefits include disability compensation, pension, education and training, health care, home loans, insurance, vocational rehabilitation and employment and burial.
Support for Veterans - Resources - VA Caregiver Support Program
Tips: Medications - Providers - Organization - Mobility - Transfers
Military OneSource International Calling Options
Worldwide Veterans Affairs Office –Email: [email protected], Telephone: + 1- 855-785-0001 or + 1-386-226-7363
Challenges During Re-adjustment to Civilian Life - Veterans Employment Toolkit
Military Transition To Civilian Life: A Guide for Veterans
Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors 2023
U.S. Army Retired Soldier Handbook 2024
U.S. Army Retirement Planning Guide 2024
Change of Mission Soldier for Life Newsletter
Have you requested your absentee ballots for 2024?
All overseas U.S. citizens must do this every calendar year. Go to! Let us know after you make your ballot request [email protected]
Reasons to use
Using VoteFromAbroad informs your Local Election Officer (LEO) that you are a US resident living abroad. When you use VoteFromAbroad, you can sign your Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) electronically by capturing a photo of your signature; some states do not allow this. If your state allows electronic signature, your ballot will be automatically sent to your LEO. What could be easier?
VoteFromAbroad protects you under the Uniformed And Overseas Citizen Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA). You have certain rights that regular absentee voters do not have.
Your LEO will email your ballot to you no later than 45 calendar days before election day. When you return your ballot, most LEOs will notify you of its receipt by email. Many states allow you to return your ballot electronically.
If there is no record of receipt of your ballot, you can then file a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB). If your original ballot arrives, the FWAB will be spoiled and not counted. You won’t vote twice. Need help? Contact the VoteFromAbroad volunteers!