Are you ready to make a difference this year?
Did you know
- since the 2020 elections, 30 states have made changes to their voting regulations?
- most changes have not made it easier to vote?
For DA Summer is preparation time for the Fall elections. We are building teams and the plan of action. Starting this weekend the Chair will hold regular new member and volunteer meetups online (see below). Learn more about the people in DA Japan, our GOTV work and what you can do! Whatever your interest or skills - we need you! Join 1 of the DAJ teams
Communications - press outreach and social media (meeting the 2nd Tu of the month starting Sept 6)
Get Out the Vote (GOTV) - calling, writing or canvassing - depending on your schedule, location and what you like to do - there is something you can do!
- For example, in-person (outside by entrances) voter registration/get out the vote activities at National Azabu Supermarket, in Hiroo, Saturdays from 11am-2pm. Please contact Matt the Vice Chair <[email protected]> if you want to join us!
- Membership development & outreach - bring more people in
- Events - organize social or issue oriented events, on line or in person
- Fundraising - help us raise money for the work we do, help with the raffle in Sept - see below!
Join one of the volunteer sessions or sign up HERE:
From your DA Japan Executive Committee
Sarajean (Chair), Matthew (Vice-Chair), Dave (Secretary), Regina(Treasurer)
DA Japan - representing US Voters in Japan. Together, We Win
DA Japan Events page
Know Your Rights, Register & Vote!
Help us reach new and more voters by sharing this newsletter with all your American friends!
One action you can take today to make a difference!
To help GOTV (get out the vote) for the Nov. 2022 elections, please print out the pull-tab flier (from link below) and post up at venues where US voters gather, such as cafes, restaurants, 'gaijin' bars, etc. Be sure to cut vertical lines for the pull-tabs!
Upcoming DA Japan Events
Sat July 30 10am - 11:30am DAJ Day planning meeting #1
On DAJ DAY we launch our Fall GOTV plan. Help us organize speakers, workshops, outreach and social events. To find out more and to RSVP
Sat July 30 at 1:00-2:30pm DAJapan New Member and GOTV Volunteer meetup - online
To find out more and to RSVP for the Zoom link.
Sun Aug 28 10-11:30am DAJapan New Member and Volunteer meetup - online
To find out more and to RSVP for the Zoom link
Sun Aug 28 12noon-1:30pm DAJ Day planning meeting #2
Help us finalize the workshops, outreach and social events. To find out more and to RSVP
Sun, Sept 4, 11:00-13:30 DAJ DAY online
Official Kick off for Fall GOT
Meet other people interested in making a difference in the 2022 elections, discussion on reaching more voters and communications training.
- Followed by regional in-person events.
Details coming soon! Volunteers needed. Contact [email protected]
To find out more and to RSVP HERE
September Raffle !
Raffle to raise funds for contacting DA Japan members for this year’s elections
Donate Prizes for the Fundraising Raffle by August 27th
- Restaurant or dinner coupons.
- Experiential prizes: Guided tours, Luxury car for a day, cooking class etc.
- Bottles of wine, chocolate, food baskets, other non-perishable foodstuffs (no fresh food please!)
Each donated prize should be worth at least $10.
Prize donation form HERE:
Just $5 a month - just 1 speciality coffee or 1 donburi - Can have a big impact for DA and DAJ!
- If just 30 people gave $100 per year or
if 60 people contributed $5 per month,
- we could call all our members to get them to vote.
Even if you don't have the time to call, you can help us by making a contribution right on the DA Japan DONATION PAGE HERE. No need to make bank transfers!