March 29, 2017

Democrats Abroad Spain’s 2017 Executive Committee Elections and Annual General Meeting (AGM)

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PLEASE BE ADVISED: Democrats Abroad Spain’s 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place in Barcelona on Saturday, April 22. The venue and agenda will be announced later.


At the meeting elections will be held for the Executive Committee offices consisting of :
1) Chairperson
2) Vice-Chairperson
3) Secretary
4) Treasurer and 
5) Counsel.  

All members are invited to run for office! Any DA Spain member in good standing is eligible to run. The job descriptions for these positions are as follows:

The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the organization, shall call and preside at all meetings of members and of the Executive Committee, and shall have responsibility for all activities approved by the organization. The Chair shall sit ex-officio on all committees of the organization with full voting privileges.
In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall call and preside at meetings of members and of the Executive Committee. The Vice-Chair shall have such other duties as the Chair shall define. In the case of a vacancy in the office of the DAS Chair, the Vice-Chair shall become DAS Chair until the next Annual General Meeting at which officer elections are held.
The Secretary shall maintain a current list of members of the organization containing such information as the DPCA may from time to time require (i.e. the name, mail and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers and U.S. voting district/State, etc.*), minutes of all meetings, and all files and administrative records of the organization. Minutes of meetings shall be available for inspection by members who have not had their privileges restricted. The Secretary shall have such other duties as the Chair shall define.
The Treasurer shall manage the finances of the organization, maintain its financial reports to members and make and maintain such financial reports as may be required by law (including without limitation the laws and regulations of the United States and the several States applicable to political parties and contributions to them). All such records shall be open for inspection by members in good standing. The Treasurer shall have such other duties as the Chair shall define.


The Counsel shall be available for consultation by the Executive
Committee on interpretive and procedural questions relating to DAS and its activities. The Counsel shall consult with the Democrats Abroad International Counsel from time to time.
All of the above officers will be member of the Democrats Abroad Spain Executive Committee.
* Confidentiality of Personal Data. Personal data collected from DAS members (including names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses) shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed outside of DAS other than to the DPCA as required by the DPCA bylaws. Within DAS, no person other than the Chair , the Vice-Chair and the Secretary (and with regard to the members of any Chapter, the relevant Chapter Chair) shall have access to any personal data collected from DAS members other than as necessary to carry out a specific task assigned to a DAS member by the Executive Committee.

According to Democratic Party regulations:
1) The term of office is two years.
2) No officer may serve for more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
3) The Chair and Vice Chair must be of opposite gender. If a male and a female run for the office of Chairperson, a procedure will be provided to assure that the Vice Chair is of the other gender.

We are accepting nominations and seconds for each office from today to April 5. A member may nominate himself or herself. If a member is nominated by another person, we will contact the nominated member to ensure they accept. (The nominated person’s acceptance counts as a Second). Nominations will not be accepted from the floor of the AGM, unless the position has no candidate. Nominees may post their bios or CV’s on the DA website or Facebook page. 

To encourage wide participation, voting by absentee ballot is open from April 8 to April 21. Ballots and Proxy forms will be sent to the members with voting instructions once the nominations have been closed. 

Members attending the AGM may vote in person and submit proxies from absent members; with a limit of two proxies per member. 
Democrats Abroad is all about having your voice heard by exercising your right to vote, so we hope you will exercise this right in electing the officers of DA Spain's Executive Committee.

Best Regards,

The Election Committee of DA Spain