Tuesday, March 05
Cuenca, Ecuador
Global Presidential Primary in Cuenca – March 5, 2024
VOTE! HAVE YOUR VOICE HEARD! CAST YOUR BALLOT for your preferred candidate for the Democratic Nomination for President at the Global Presidential Primary Voting Center in Cuenca on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
The 2024 Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary runs from March 5 to March 12, 2024.
➡️Vote in-person at our Voting Center, or remotely via email, mail, or fax.*
➡️Ballots for remote voting will be available from February 13th.**
➡️New members must register to vote in the Global Primary by joining Democrats Abroad at democratsabroad.org/join.
To join Democrats Abroad, you must be a US citizen abroad, and 18 years of age as of November 5, 2024.
Not sure what a Global Presidential Primary is? Check out this brief video.
* Same-day registration allowed at Voting Center.
** Please do not bring downloaded remote ballots to the voting center. They will not be accepted.
If you cannot vote in person, we encourage you to request your Democrats Abroad primary ballot on Votefromabroad.org or via a google form. To receive a ballot by postal mail, Democrats Abroad Ecuador members may also email [email protected].
NOTE: This is a primary for the president only. To vote in local primary races in the U.S., you must still request a ballot from your state. If you do, leave the choice of presidential nominee blank. Don’t vote twice!
Tuesday, March 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time
Calvo & Co.
Los Cipreses 1-133
Google map and directions
Cheryl Pomeroy
[email protected]