June 17, 2021

Focus on Membership Growth

Over the last year, the Alicante chapter was extremely busy getting out the vote. From global phone banking to our “Why I Vote” member-stories, we kept the candle burning at both ends. We assembled  Our Voices, Our Future media platforms, to reach out to younger generations. Both campaigns were used to create digital ads to bolster membership and get out the vote. Our members donated to Democrats Abroad and to campaigns across the US.

On June 12, 2021 the Alicante chapter elected a new executive committee formed by Daniel Garcia (chair), Diane Longo (vice chair), Tammy Teschner (secretary), and Brett Spector (treasurer) [click to expand]. The new committee will partner with DA Global to implement our organization’s worldwide goals and objectives. The committee is excited to move forward and determined to increase membership. We plan to create and/or assist with future get-out-the-vote campaigns! The goal for next year’s midterm election is to improve our Democratic majority in the House and Senate, in order to pass meaningful legislation and support the Biden–Harris administration.