Quarterly Newsletter , Issue II - 2024
Why bother to make the extra effort to vote from abroad?
Studies point to motivation as a key barrier for voters to cast their ballots from abroad. It is a messy process - more so in some states than in others - but across the board requires more planning than when voting in the US. So why bother?
There are so many equally important issues at stake all requiring of urgent attention. This month we will focus on one: the right to choose. A right so fundamental - bodily autonomy - that when questioned sets a dangerous precedent we all need to pay attention to as it spills over into all areas and liberties.
The right to make decisions regarding one's own body is fundamental to the concept of autonomy and individual freedom. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we elect representatives who champion women's right to choose. Voters in the US have been showing up to defeat Republican candidates in local and state elections. As voters abroad we can and should support this effort - our votes have shown that we provide CRUCIAL margins of victory. As citizens our power is in voting.
Register and request your ballot at votefromabroad.org.
How to Vote From Brazil
Questions ? Send an email to the volunteer voter support team at [email protected].
Navigating Tax Obligations for US Citizens in Brazil
Missed the event? No problem! Recording Available!
For more information and resources on taxation please visit:
Global 2024 Platform First Draft & Delegate Selection Process
Based on the hard work of a team of global volunteers, the first draft of the Global Platform is ready. We are deeply appreciative of the effort everyone has put in! A PDF of draft #1 is now accessible on the Town Hall event pages HERE Have a read through and share your feedback on the SURVEY (CLICK HERE). We urge you to participate by sharing your thoughts and perspectives.
We will send delegates to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in August 2024 reflecting our primary results. These delegates will be elected at our regional and global conventions in May, 2024. Interested in becoming a delegate? Check out our Delegate candidate section.
Interested in volunteering with DA Brazil? Email us to hear about multiple opportunities at: [email protected]
We would like to extend a huge thanks to Rachelle for her 2 + years of dedication to Democrats Abroad Brazil. We wish Rachelle and her family all the best!
Upcoming Events & Happenings
Virtual Speaker Series: Join us online with Geri Smith, Latin America foreign correspondent for 32 years, specializing in coverage of economics, business, trade, politics and social development. She will share her insights on the importance of the down ballot vote in 2024. RSVP details coming soon!
Book Club: Join the DA Brazil Book Club WhatsApp Group for updates on titles, meeting times and meeting links.
Annual General Meeting: Join us online on May 23rd from 7-8pm, BST and learn more about the GOTV plansin Brazil and how you can participate. RSVP details coming soon!
Connect with us!
Follow Democrats Abroad Brazil on social media. We know that sharing and commenting on our social media posts helps us reach more Americans abroad!
Click below to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and to join Brazil's WhatsApp group.
Donations to Democrats Abroad go directly to registering Americans and get out the vote (GOTV) activities such as phone banking, postcards, and most importantly, social media.
Democrats Abroad is an incredible investment in our Democracy because it is 100% volunteer led and organized. Every dollar you give supports our work to elect Democrats who will fight to make a better life for all Americans.
The DA Brazil Team