January 24, 2020

Alicante Gets Ready to Vote

The Mediterranean coast is seeing a steady growth in new Democrats Abroad Spain members.  

After forming a chapter in Valencia about three years ago, it has experienced a huge spike in growth as more expats in Valencia hear that it exists .  In the past year the dynamic Valencia Chapter was drawing up members from as far away as Altea routinely,  and participation at special events by  few others from the Alicante area.  Valencia Chapter chair Richard Meherer decided it was time to see what kind of interest could be developed.   With the help of Robin Kaplan (Altea) and Brett Specter (El Campello)  an invitation was sent out to people they thought might be interested.  15 Americans RSVP'd and turned up for a delicious lunch at Stixx in Playa San Juan in Alicante on Saturday January 18th.  

Richard introduced Democrats Abroad to the group and the upcoming activities planned in Valencia,  including the Global Presidential Primary.  Jim Mercereau chair of Democrats Abroad Spain reviewed the process of getting an absentee ballot through VoteFromAbroad.org  and previewed the Global Presidential Primary.  

It was clear that there was a hunger for good information and an interest in sharing time together as Democrats.  If your area is interested in getting active with Democrats Abroad please let us know at [email protected]
