What? Me, Volunteer?
So, has anybody asked you to volunteer for DAGR this week?
Yes? And you want to know what’s needed.
No? And you’re hoping they don’t, because you just don’t have time to write articles for the News page.
Good news! There are a lot of things we can do to help and not feel like we’re punching a time clock, burning the midnight oil, or signing up for something hi-tech that’s beyond our pay grade.
Here are some things we can do almost without ‘doing’!
DAGR posts on Instagram and Facebook.
- Follow the DAGR page and Like or Reply. That boosts our algorithms and gets us seen by more people.
- Share an Instagram or FB post on your personal page or in a group you belong to.
- If your group insists on ‘non-partisan’ stuff, just share the VoteFromAbroad link. THAT’s non-partisan!
Do you belong to any local clubs? Would they like to know about how the US system works?
- We’ve got speakers!
- We can do ‘Democrat’ or non-partisan.
- Check with Alkman, our Press Coordinator to arrange a speaker for your group.
Pass out flyers! Secretary Jan will send a ready-to-print file. You print it and pass it out.
- Are you in a club, choir, dance/exercise or parents group?
- How about a friendly kiosk or coffee shop? Leave a few flyers by the cash register.
- Pin an A4 poster with pull-off tabs on a bulletin board: supermarket, hair salon, etc
Have a little more time and energy? There are larger drives, ongoing committees.
Do you like to talk on the phone?
- We train our callers and set up call lists.
- An average list (say, 25-30 DAGR members) takes 5 to 10 minutes each.
- So, 3 to 6 hours, depending on how chatty you and your callees are.
- Calling members is fun. Most are happy to hear from us!
- Email Charity, our GOTV chair (and ExCom Counsel) to sign on!
Next up, the Global Presidential Primary, March 5 – 12.
- Be a greeter at a Voting Center in Athens or Thessaloniki.
- Help sign people in or register if they haven’t already.
- Stay on after the Center closes to help count or witness the count!
In the coming months, there will be plenty more one-off opportunities.
- Staff a registration table at a Study Abroad location.
- Help out with sign-in or possibly food service on 4th of July.
- Stay tuned for guest VIP events and help seat the crowd.
If Issues are your thing, help organize and get folks involved.
- The Kafeneion web events need ideas, outreach to speakers, blurb writing and more.
- Vice Chair Sarajane has headed up Kafeneion and will train you in.
- At-Large Reps Gina and Daniel are bringing together members from outside the city chapters.
- We’re also compiling a resource guide for our seniors. Help dig out the contacts!
Oh, and, by the way, we ARE looking for folks who like to research, write, edit and photo-search!
- Write or proof news articles for the Greece page on the DA website.
- Events posts for upcoming events. Those ‘rsvp’ pages don’t appear by magic!
- Join the editorial team for the DAGR Newsletter.
- If you have ‘journo’ skills, step up to the Press team.
And keep in mind … if you have professional skills or experience:
- Lawyers and accountants can help advise ExCom, pro-bono, of course.
- Advertising pros might help us sort out online ads, and more.
- And when we collapse in exhausted joy after the Nov election, we may need a doctor in the house. 😊
There’s something for everyone, and DAGR needs everyone on board this year! Ready?