June 17, 2023

2023 Elections Announcements

We, the 2023 DACN Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC), are pleased to announce nominated candidates for the 2023-2025 Leadership Board of Democrats Abroad China!

Nominated candidates in alphabetical order:

Liz Blackbourn

Adam Bucky 

Pamela Forbes

Fenia Guilford - declined

Ginny Hunt

Rachel Reeves

Elyse Ribbons

Teresa Rice

Dustin Roberts

Eileen Walsh

Terry Lee Watkins, Jr.

Tricia Williams

Andrew Wortham

Kevin Xin

Nominees have a chance until the election on June 18th to decline the nomination. Each is also invited to submit a candidate statement until that time. 

Nominees will be running to serve a two (2) year term and fill one of the following Democrats Abroad China Leadership Board positions:

  • Executive Committee: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Director, IT Director

  • Officers: GOTV Coordinator, Events Coordinator (Member-At-Large), Onboarding Coordinator (Member-At-Large), General Member-At-Large, General Member-At-Large

Democrats Abroad China Bylaws and Rules outline the roles for each Leadership Board position, as well as guide the DACN election process. Members are invited to view DACN Bylaws, Meeting Minutes and more on the DACN Wiki. All NEC announcements were broadcasted and also published on the 2023 NEC Wiki page, due to this website being updated.

We look forward to your participation – please come and vote, and help decide the future of Democrats Abroad in China!


All the best,

Patrick Cranley
Brian Kloosterman
Albert Walker

The 2023 DACN Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC)