The Executive Committee of Democrats Abroad Guatemala Meeting on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 11 AM MDT via WebEx
Per our bylaws (paragraph 19.3), all meetings are open to all members.
- Call to order 11:04 AM
- Minutes from May 24, 2023 meeting and agenda for June 21, 2023 meeting approved
Treasurer’s Report:The current balance of the DAGT Nation Builder account is USD$549. This reflects income of USD$30 during the past month and no expenditures during this period.
Jim received an inquiry about whether a couple of donations made this month were reflected in the balance. At the time that I checked, there were not and I sent an inquiry to Jarryd regarding this. While the inquiry was not responded to, the two donations in question have now appeared in the balance on Nation Builder. As always, individuals may donate to our country committee, DAGT, at the following website:
Donate - Democrats Abroad (www.democratsabroad.org/donate_gt)
Or to Democrats Abroad International at:
Donations - Democrats Abroad (www.democratsabroad.org/donate)
Chair’s Report: John reported on the Global Meeting in Washington DC that was held June 7th to 11th. A new Executive Committee was elected: Martha McDevitt-Pugh, International Chair, DA Netherlands; Steve Nardi, International Vice Chair, DA Canada; Karen Frankenstein, International Secretary, DA Germany; Josh Van der Ploeg, International Treasurer, DA United Kingdom; Anne Brady, International Counsel, DA Ireland; Jennifer Rakow-Stepper, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Regional Vice-Chair; Suma Shamanna, Asia Pacific, Regional Vice-Chair; Hope Bradberry, Americas, Regional Vice-Chair. Congratulations to all. Some items of business, such as the Treasurer’s report and voting on almost all of the 23 resolutions, were not completed. A special online meeting will be convened by the new Excom in the next 90 days to address the remaining items.
Events for 2023 July 4th Celebration: CCC reserved from 4pm to 8pm. Kee updated actions to date. There was much discussion about logistics and food. David Dean suggested we talk with Jajuan about a fourth option of a Q1000 guarantee - Jajuan sells as many tacos as he can and if it’s less then Q1000 DAGT makes up the difference. Also, Hyung mentioned that it would be prudent to limit adults to two alcoholic drinks on entry to CCC. Jim Criste moved that DAGT explore the Q1000 guarantee option with Jajuan before committing on a taco stand, and that two tickets be given to each adult on entry for beer and wine. Seconded by Rachael. The motion was carried unanimously. Currently we have the use of 4 tables and 30 chairs and we may rent more. Kee will assess needs for more tables and chairs. Much depends on rain. John will talk with Jajuan about option four and report back to the Excom by email prior to July 4th.
- Absentee Ballot Request and New Member Drive: Casa Convento Concepción. Invite your like-minded friends who are not DAGT members! Will be held at a future date to be determined.
Other Items:
- DAGT theme for the 2023-2025 term “Be the future you want, lead Democrats Abroad Guatemala” campaign. Objective is to find volunteers and build new leaders for the future. Update from Hyung on the status of the Be The Future campaign. Hyung expressed some surprise at having been named chair of this ad hoc committee, but said he will explore opening with an event in Antigua directed at attracting new members and potential leaders among young Americans living and working in and around Antigua.
- Jim Criste reported that he hasn’t been back to Uncle Sams as a possible venue for Guatemala City Be The Future activities, but will follow up and report back at a future meeting.
Travel: Kee, July 25 to August 15. Phyllis July 5 to on/about September 5.
Next meeting on Webex, date and time: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 11:00am
Adjournment 12:31