September 11, 2023

DAGT Excom Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2023

Per our bylaws (paragraph 19.3), all meetings are open to all members.

Members in Attendance: John Chudy, Chair; MaryLou Ridinger, Vice Chair; Kee Adams Evans, DPCA Voting Rep; Jim Criste, Treasurer; Phyllis MacCartney, Secretary; David Dean, Member at Large; Rachel Sheyno, Xela Meet-Up Chair; Karl Holzwarth, Member at Large; Johnny Figueroa Montt, Huehuetenango Meet-UP Chair; Hyungjoon Jin, Lake Atitlan Meet-up Chair; Gloria Rowe, DAGT member


Call to order 10:05 AM

Approval of minutes from July 19, 2023 meeting and agenda for August 16, unanimous

Treasurer’s Report:The current balance of the DAGT Nation Builder account is USD$519.23 This reflects no change in the balance during the past month. No additional contributions and no expenditures.

John and Jim had a very positive meeting with Regional Vice Chair Hope Bradberry, and International Treasurer, Josh Van der Ploeg, to discuss how to move the DAGT local currency balance to the Nation Builder account. A list of the small donations made prior to the start of the Nation Builder system to provide documentation for the balance is being prepared. Jim will then deposit the balance in US dollars to the Democrats Abroad Bank Account at Amalgamated Bank in Washington, DC, when he travels there in October.  Jim will keep the Quetzales for personal use and deposit the equivalent in US Dollars at the current exchange rate. Current local cash balance is Q3,675.20 which at an exchange rate of Q7.66 would be US$479.79.

As always, individuals may donate to our country committee, DAGT, at the following website: Donate - Democrats Abroad ( Or to Democrats Abroad International at:

Chair’s Report: From the Global Excom meeting held July 24th:  There will be a full DPCA global meeting via Webex Sat. Sept. 9, from 6am to 9pm EDT to address the 23 old resolutions not dealt with in the June 9th to 11th global meeting. A pre-meeting to discuss resolutions Aug 19. No new resolutions are allowed. Also on the Sept 9th agenda is election of one global DNC member and one DNC member from the Americas. $10 for Democracy campaign for sustaining donors – split program to be made available. Global membership is 182,806 of which 43,315 are in the Americas. Josh reported current balance at $7,517 with $6000 in outstanding bills, working to spread out payments. Has three-auditor panel to prepare financial report by Oct 31; was not presented at the June meeting.

ED Jarryd Rauch request on August 2nd for MeetUp group chair contact info sent. Also, CCs may purchase an email address on the "" email domain for $6/month, debited from your CC Subaccount. Additionally, CCs can have a Zoom license on the Global Democrats Abroad account for $149.90/year, also debited from the CC Subaccount.

Americas Regional Meeting August 14th. Highlights: Randi Weitzner named GOTV deputy for Americas Region; Signal Group to be formed for GOTV in the region; Regional meetings will start with GOTV concerns before other general business; September 9th, 4am DPCA meeting - be sure we have proxies - will cover election of global DNC member, 23 resolutions, and an Americas meeting to elect regional DNC member. Americas Regional Retreat November 4 & 5 via Webex; DA Platform Process begin Sept 1 with Kitchen Talks ending in approval of DA platform at DPCA convention in Costa Rica May 31- June 2, 2024.

  • Update on 2023-2025 campaign Be the Future in search of new members and leader development.  Hyung drafted a letter to younger members under 40. There are currently 85 members under 40. John will incorporate new ideas into the draft and it will be distributed in September. The plan is to hold Meet and Greet sessions in MeetUp areas with < 40s starting in Guatemala City in September.

Events for 2023

  • Los Otros Negros (Afro Jamaican Guatemalans). Gloria Rowe and Roy Hendy will present their life experiences in Guatemala as afro Jamaican Guatemalans, on a Saturday in September at Casa Convento Concepción. Likely dates, September 16th or 23rd at 4 pm. Kee to check on availability.
  • Other events a possible talk on the effects of the immigration policies may be given in January. John would update his 2018 PPT on the topic.

MaryLou suggested a group be formed to discuss climate change. Reopen the Green Wave movement.

Rachael posted the Facebook address in the chat for her artwork that she will auction as a donation to DAGT. The auction/sale of the piece will be posted in John’s August Update to the full membership

Other Items:

Travel:    Jim, Honduras August 12 to 21; Hyung, to South Korea, August 19 to September 14. David Dean Roatan September 24 to Oct 1

Next meeting date, time, venue. September 20, 2023 at 10:00AM, via Webex

Adjournment 11:25