Hamburg chapter members organized and/or took part in important meetings during the first quarter of 2021.
On February 28, we held our official chapter election via Zoom. Candice Newton was elected our new Chapter Chair, and Geoff Simmons was elected Treasurer. We congratulated both Candice and Geoff on their new roles. We also thanked Vinnie Cabrera for his service as Chapter Chair and Candice Newton for her work as Treasurer (especially in 2020 – a very busy year for getting out the vote!).
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on March 20 via Zoom, and several Hamburg members attended. This meeting also featured important elections in addition to a recap of the past year and goals for 2021. Our former Chapter Chair Vinnie Cabrera was elected as one of the DPCA Voting Reps.
On March 28, we held the first chapter meeting presided over by Candice. We took stock of both Germany-wide and Hamburg accomplishments in 2020 as well as goals for this year. Discussion included plans to draft a proposal to rename the Hamburg chapter to encompass other Northern German cities, such as Bremen, Flensburg, and Lübeck, where we have a significant number of members and active Precinct Captains.