October 21, 2019

Chapter election on Nov 5th, 2019 for Membership Coordinator

On Tuesday, November 5th, 2019, Democrats Abroad Berlin will hold an election to fill one chapter leadership position - Membership Coordinator - for the remainder of the current two-year term (until the next Berlin chapter leadership elections in early 2021).

A big thank you to Julia Behringer, who has done an amazing job working with the Berlin chapter members, coordinating volunteers, and being an important part the Berlin leadership team.

As the leadership of Germany’s largest chapter and one of the larger Democrats Abroad groups internationally, the Berlin chapter leadership positions carry significant responsibility and great opportunity to take political action while living abroad. As the Berlin chapter continues to grow and evolve, our leadership is as well. That’s why, in line with the bylaws changes enacted at the February 2018 Annual General Meeting in Hamburg, the Berlin chapter now directly elects leadership positions, and now will be holding an election to fill the vacant Membership Coordinator position.

Membership/Volunteer Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities

  • First contact to new members
  • Maintain list of active volunteers
  • Communicate volunteer opportunities to members
  • Develop new volunteer opportunities
  • Match tasks to volunteers

The election will begin promptly at 7:30 PM at Begegnungsstätte Falckensteinstraße at Falckensteinstr. 6, 10997 Berlin (U1 Schlesisches Tor).

Quick Facts about the Election

  • You must be a member of the Democrats Abroad Berlin Chapter before November 1, 2019, to be eligible to run for a leadership position
  • To run for the member/volunteer coordinator positions, the member must submit their candidacy and a 250 word candidate statement by 8AM on November 5th, 2019 to [email protected], and attend the meeting that same evening.
  • Nominations or self-nominations, for leadership positions may be made on election night, from the floor, and will require a second from another member of Democrats Abroad Berlin in the room
  • Voters are presumed qualified to participate in the election if
    • (1) they have joined DAG before arriving at the voting center or
    • (2) at the voting center they join DAG and establish their identity by objective documentary evidence (including passport, residence card, military or student ID, etc.).
    • Persons who appear on the membership rolls of their DAG chapter do not need to provide any form of identification (ID) to be qualified to vote

We look forward to all candidates and a large turnout on election night to democratically elect our leadership that will take the helm of Democrats Abroad Berlin chapter through the 2020 elections.