June 27, 2022

Supreme Court Decisions: DA Japan Leaders response and what is next.

Supreme Court Decisions: DA Japan Leaders response and what is next.

In the past week it has been more than crystal clear that the Supreme Court does not respect precedent, women’s rights or the opinions of the American people. 

Despite knowing that most Americans support availability and safe abortion for all women and that sexual health is integral to women’s lives, the extremist Court ruled to overturn Roe vs. Wade.  While other previous decisions have been overturned - this represents the first time a right granted has been removed. We know this will have devastating results for millions of women and families, across the nation especially women of color and the economically marginalized.

Despite knowing that most Americans - including gun owners - support policies that prevent gun violence and regulate firearms access, the Court struck down the regulation of concealed weapons by states. The Court made the latter ruling despite the fact that the Congress finally came up with the first major gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years. Though limited and not inclusive of the full background checks and military weapons limitations  - it does represent a tinystep in the right direction. 

Both of these hard right rulings by an extremely conservative Court dominated by ideologs who have personal motivations out of sync with the majority of Americans demonstrate how fragile democracy is, and how important it is to choose the right people. 

Many of us are exhausted, frustrated and fed up. Now is the time to act not withdraw, the time to amplify our voices and not stay silent. 

As of this writing, abortion is banned in nine states and likely to be banned or rigidly restricted in 12-20 more. 

Despite the fact that some say that they are not concerned about other issues such as sexual health, gender and sexual minority rights, or marriage equality, we know that this is simply not the case. Thomas called upon the court to reconsider due process cases such as Lawrence, Obergefell and Griswold. Stepping back in time to when access to birth control was limited or banned when homosexuality was a crime, and when marriage equality was not allowed is simply not acceptable. 

We must step up - not back down! To be listened to - we need to speak loudly and act. To be seen - we must be visible in the fight to regain and guarantee our rights and freedoms. 

 In the past year we have held monthly action events on topics such as Gun Violence Prevention (June, see the report and link to materials below), the need to keep abortion safe and legal, the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA (Oct, Jan and May Link to materials) and voting rights (June, Sept). Each time we come up against the same obstacles - we need to have more like minded people making decisions and to do that we need a long term plan to build new leaders and then we can elect those people.

We need to elect Democrats up and down the ballot in every state who will protect voting rights, not prosecute women, their doctors or helpers, and enable people from out of state to get reproductive health care in Pro-choice states.  We need state and federal legislators who not only think and pray about violence in the US society but are willing to take action and develop policies which will change the situation.

To win elections this November, to maintain control of the House and Senate we need more than good turnout - we must elect  two more Senators so we can stop the filibuster. We must choose Governors and State officials that are committed to both women’s freedoms and rights as well as creating a safer society for all.  That is the only way we are going to bring about change. 

Winning in November is 1 step in a long process. The Right’s 50-year strategy paid off for them. Do we have the stamina or interest to achieve our goals? Are we angry enough to make a commitment to impact not just in 2022 but 2024 and 2026?  See the ideas listed below for how you might have an impact OR stop by the bi-weekly Zoom Chat with the Chair, OR drop us a line NOW [email protected] 

Join us as we speak out about the right to live in safe communities and without the fear of being shot at. 

Join us as we stand with Americans across the globe standing together for the right to healthcare.

Join us as we speak out about gender and sexual minority rights.

Join us as we stand up for the rights of all Americans, everywhere.

Sarajean, Chair, DA Japan


🏃 🌋Actions to have an impact in November and beyond!

If you are unhappy with either or both of the Supreme Court’s decisions:

  1. Start with you -  Make sure you are registered to vote, have requested your ballots and  then make sure you submit your ballot in time for all elections. Know Your Rights, Register & Vote! https://www.votefromabroad.org
  2.  Commit to asking five Americans living abroad to request their ballot at VoteFromAbroad.org.
  3. In the community - Get more people registered to vote.Did you know that most of the 85,000 eligible US voters who are not members of Democrats Abroad Japan DO NOT VOTE? do not vote. You can help change that - Join the GOTV team.  Contact us to find out how.  [email protected].
  4. Be heard - Call your Congressional Representative and US Senators.  or Look up their contact details here.
  5. Make DA Japan more visible - Eet out the vote (GOTV) members will join summer and fall festivals and talk to potential US voters. It’s a fun opportunity to enjoy nice weather, social events and then encourage Americans to vote. Find out how to join the GOTV team.  [email protected]
  6. Write a column or letter to the editor about the issues that matter to you most. 
  7. Call voters -  Phone banking is the most effective way to make sure people vote. Take a training and start calling. We will be calling Democrats Abroad members from late August through early November. Find out how to get started  [email protected]
  8. Organize an event - In person. Online. A fundraising party. A night of music or comedy. An issue oriented event. There are many options. We are open to all suggestions. Let us know what you are interested in doing: [email protected]
  9. Enhance the DAJapan network -  Invite us to speak at your university, club or community organization about issues or voting. Contact us to set a date!  [email protected]
  10. Like and share our information on social media, including on our Democrats Abroad Facebook page and Vote from Abroad Facebook page.
  11. No time? No worries! If you do not have the time - make a donation. resources are needed to call, write and organize. Check the DA Japan DONATION PAGE

Anything else? Have an idea not listed above - contact us to chat about other possibilities. Let us know: [email protected]