February 10, 2021

Call for Nominations - Become a leader in DemsAbroad Windsor

The Democratic Party had tremendous wins taking back Congress and the Presidency! As we are celebrating and gearing up to strengthen our control of Congress in the 2022 election, we are also sobered by the disturbing events in the Capitol Building in early January. We are ever reminded that democracy is fragile and our work to protect and strengthen it is more important than ever, and we invite you to share in shaping the future of America. 

An important next step for the Windsor Chapter
is to elect our Board for the 2021-2023 term.

The Windsor Chapter was reactivated during the 2020 election cycle, and we believe there are a number of members interested in seeing a sustainable chapter. You may serve a leadership role from anywhere in the chapter, whether you live in Windsor, Leamington, Chatham-Kent, or anywhere in the surrounding area. As the Nominations and Elections Committee, we invite you to learn about the Board positions, and to consider a nomination.

Eligibility: American citizens residing in Canada, legal voting age, a member in good standing of the Democrats Abroad Canada – Windsor chapter, and willing and able to handle the duties while adhering to the principles of the Democratic Party of the United States.

Terms are two (2) years. As a Board member you will be expected to actively participate in the management of the Chapter, including attendance at monthly board meetings, either in-person or virtually. A Board member who has served two consecutive terms in the same office may only be nominated for a third term from the floor during the AGM by the members present, should no other candidate be nominated for that office. Please refer to the Democrats Abroad Canada Bylaws for more details.

Here are actions you can take:

    • The deadline for submitting a nomination is 11:59 PM ET Wednesday, February 24, 2021.

    • Nominate yourself, or a fellow Democrats Abroad - Windsor member, with their permission, by completing the Nomination form at this link.
      • Include a Candidate Statement of 300 words or less. Tell us about your reasons for running and any applicable experience within Democrats Abroad or elsewhere. Include social media handles.
      • Alternatively, you may send a written Candidate Nomination through postal mail. You must include
        • Your name, email address & phone number
        • Name & contact details of the member being nominated, and the office being nominated for. Consent must be received by the member if nominating someone other than yourself.
        • Candidate Statement
        • Send to          DemsAbroad Windsor Nominations
                                c/o S Nardi
                                1153 Mirada Pl
                                Mississauga, ON L5H 3B6
        • Nomination forms mailed must be received by 11:59 PM ET Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021.

Look for important updates in the future. The AGM Notice and Candidate Statements will be published Mar. 11th and the ballot will be distributed on Mar. 26th.

Email the Nominating and Elections Committee with any questions!

Democracy needs our time, talents, and votes! 

Thank you!

DemsAbroad Canada – Windsor Chapter
Nominations and Election Committee

Marnelle Dragila, Chair
Randi Weitzner
Steve Nardi, Teller of Elections