All currently registered members of Democrats Abroad Spain who are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting in Barcelona on April 22 are encouraged to participate in the election of the DA Spain Executive Committee by either delegating their vote via a Proxy to another member who will attend the AGM or by submitting an Absentee Ballot.
Instructions for submitting a Proxy Vote:
1. Please download a blank Proxy Vote for the April 22 election via this link.
2. Print the proxy ballot.
3. Complete parts 1 (your full name), 2 (the city or town in Spain where you now live), 3 (the name of the DA member to whom you are delegating your vote), 4 (your DA membership number; FYI this can be located by logging on to the website and clicking on “settings” from the drop-down menu that appears beneath your name on the far right hand side of the upper menu), 6 (your signature), and 7 (the date you have completed the proxy vote form).
4. Optional part 5: If you wish to indicate your vote for individual candidates, please do so in part 4. If part 4 is left blank, the person to whom you have delegated your proxy will be free to cast the proxy vote how ever they see fit.
5. Deliver the proxy to the person designated in Part 3 (this can be done by hand or by mail or the ballot may be scanned and sent to the designated person by electronically. In the latter case, the designated person will need to then print the ballot).
The person designated in Part 3 must present the printed and signed Proxy Vote to the Elections Committee at the AGM on April 22.
Please note that one single member can deliver no more than two (2) Proxy votes.
Instructions for casting an Absentee Vote:
1. Please download a blank Absentee ballot form for the April 22 election via this link.
2. Print the absentee ballot.
3. Complete parts 1 (your full name), 2 (the city or town in Spain where you now live), 3 (the name of the State in the US in which you are a voter), and 4 (your DA membership number; FYI: this can be located by logging on to the website and clicking on “settings” from the drop-down menu that appears beneath your name on the far right hand side of the upper menu).
4. Complete part 5 by indicating your vote for the candidates of your choice (please indicate only one candidate per position) or your abstention, if you so decide.
5. Complete part 6 (your signature) and part 6 (the date you have completed the absentee vote form).
6. Deliver the completed and signed absentee ballot:
A. By hand to a member of the National Election Committee ([email protected]),
B. By postal mail (please contact [email protected] for the address,
C. By making a digital scan or photograph of the completed and signed ballot and sending it as an e-mail attachment to [email protected], or lastly,
ALTERNATIVE ABSENTEE VOTING METHOD: Instead of printing, completing and signing the Absentee Ballot, members may vote absentee by coping the ballot text from the downloaded ballot form into an e-mail, completing all the necessary information (your printed name will serve as a signature), and sending the e-mail to [email protected].
Please note that if you submit your absentee vote by e-mail, the e-mail address used must be the address listed in our database as being yours (i.e., the address to which this present e-mail was sent).
All absentee ballots must be received the day before the AGM, that is say Friday April 21. Any absentee votes arriving on April 22 will not be considered valid.
Should you have any questions regarding the proxy or absentee voting procedures, please contact the NEC at [email protected].
Thank you,
Steven Tolliver,
Mark Carr,
Ellen Bergeron,
National Elections Committee