Below is a copy of the submission the Democrats Abroad Global Taxation Task Force submitted to the Senate Finance and Ways & Means Committees for the discussion draft of the bill providing relief for U.S. and Taiwanese workers and businesses from double taxation.
Dear Chairman Wyden, Ranking Member Crapo, Chairman Smith, and Ranking Member Neal: We applaud your efforts to strengthen economic ties with Taiwan by passing a bill (the “Discussion Draft”) to relieve double taxation. On July 12 a discussion draft was published on the Ways & Means Committee’s website welcoming comments until July 24, we appreciate the opportunity to submit comments for the record. We would like to bring to your attention the provisions in the bill that explicitly exclude U.S. citizens from relief including:
More broadly, we would like to remind you that there are an estimated nine million Americans living outside the U.S. who suffer from many outdated stereotypes, including:
Thank you for the opportunity to provide our suggestions and to point out, once again, the unfair, unnecessary, and unproductive obstacles that Americans living abroad face. Sincerely,