February 22, 2018

Tiny Action: March for Our Lives

**Democrats Abroad issues Tiny Actions like the one below every week. We thought you may all be interested in this one. Want to receive our weekly actions in your inbox? Click Subscribe from the Tiny Actions main page. If you don't see the Subscribe button, you'll need to sign in first.**

Democrats Abroad has long been in support of gun safety reform. We have called for legislative reform in the past, have addressed this issue in our platform, but Congress has offered little more than thoughts and prayers. This is not enough.

The resilience of the students in Florida have inspired the March for Our Lives movement that is rapidly spreading across the country. We stand with them today (our statement here) and we will stand with them to help take the March 24 national day of action, and the March 14 national school walk out day, into a global call for change.

This week’s #TinyAction: Demand that Senate pass common sense gun legislation and start making your plans for March 24.

1. Can you volunteer to help your local Dems Abroad organize a “March for our Lives" on or around March 24?

We’ll be organizing an online action to support the events in the US (stay tuned!), but there are also many people who would like to join an event in person. This requires organizing. If you live in an area where this might be possible, and if you’d be able to help organize, reach out to your local Dems Abroad team to let them know.

Not sure who to contact? Visit https://www.democratsabroad.org/ and find your Country Committee under “Countries.”

2. Call on your Senators to take immediate, urgent action.

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [VOTING STATE/ZIP]. I’m calling today to ask Senator [NAME] to take action to reduce the epidemic of gun violence in the United States.

This is not a states rights or second amendment issue. This is a safety issue that has plagued our nation for far too long and must be addressed urgently. Specifically, I ask that the Senator move to

  • Close the loophole that lets people buy guns at shows and through private sellers without background checks
  • Institute universal background checks for ammo and gun buyers
  • Vote in favor of S.2095, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2017
  • Remove the Dickey Rider from the federal budget and finally allow the CDC to research gun violence prevention

I’m also incredibly disturbed that H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act passed the House, and it’s essential that the Senate stop it from becoming law. I’d like to see the Senator commit immediately to opposing this legislation. It’s as important as ever not to weaken gun safety standards, and prevent firearms from falling into dangerous hands. This is why every major law enforcement agency has opposed this bill.

As an American voter living abroad, I know that it doesn’t have to be this way. The US must be a positive example to the world, not the opposite. We cannot afford to wait any longer to protect innocent lives from gun massacres. Thank you.”

**You can also find out how your Representative voted on the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act and call them to voice your support/disapproval.


Students are rising up against gun violence in the aftermath of the Florida shooting

Students demand change in gun laws after latest school shooting in the US

Watch the Feb 21 student march on the Florida State Capital

Schumer hits Trump on 'all talk' approach on guns

House Republicans voted on a "concealed carry reciprocity" bill that could weaken states’ gun law enforcement

Sen. Dianne Feinstein reintroduces assault weapons ban legislation

Why Our Government Cannot Study Gun Violence: The Dickey Amendment

Poll Finds Near-Universal Support For Gun Background Checks

Assault Weapons Ban of 2017

Gun Show Loophole FAQ

Receive our actions each week by signing up on the Tiny Actions page. If you don't see the Subscribe button, you'll need to sign in first. Be sure to forward and share with other activists, too.

As always, our aim is to turn tiny actions into big results, so we hope we can continue to count on your help! Please send suggestions for our next tiny action to info at democratsabroad dot org.

Democrats Abroad
