January 29, 2023

Democrats Abroad Sweden - 2023 Annual General Meeting

Democrats Abroad Sweden will be having its annual general meeting on Sunday, March 26, 2023 from 1:30pm-4:30pm online (WebEx) and in Stockholm. Please RSVP for the link and location. 

We have had a banner year! Last November, we helped Democrats hold the Senate and held back an expected "red wave." At this year's annual general meeting, we will make plans to enliven our local chapters and find new ways to engage members. Please join us to be part of these plans -- and get to know your fellow Democrats abroad!

Below is the day's schedule and the agenda for the annual general meeting. Please note that we will be electing all positions on our country's Executive Committee. These positions will be noticed separately by our nominations and elections committee, which will also distribute and collect ballots electronically for the election.


**Remember the time change! Daylight Savings Time (sommartid) starts on the morning of the meeting.**

Pre-meeting, in-person

12:00                Doors open
12:30-13:30     Taco lunch!

Hybrid portion of meeting

13:30-14:00     Welcome and introductions
14:00-15:15     Annual General Meeting (see agenda below)
15:15-15:30     Break/Fika
15:30-16:15     Chapter Break-outs: Planning locally for impact from abroad
16:15-16:30     Wrap-up and ending

Annual General Meeting (AGM) Agenda

1. Call to order
2. Prepare and approve the voting list (roll-call) and quorum determination
3. Approval of the agenda
4. Elect two persons to attest the minutes
5. Determination that the meeting has been duly called
6. Reading and approval of the 2022 AGM minutes
7. Chair's report (incl. Chapter reports)
8. Treasurer's report
9. Auditor's report
10. Approval of the accounts and discharge Executive Committee from liability vote
11. Nomination and approval of auditor for 2023 finances
12. Proposed amendments to DA Sweden bylaws (view proposed changes)
13. Announcement of election results for Sweden's Executive Committee positions
14. Closing remarks and end-of-meeting