The following notice was emailed to members by the Nominations and Elections Committee on Feb. 23, 2023:
The annual general meeting of Democrats Abroad (DA) Sweden is coming up soon: Sunday, 26 March. It is time to elect new and re-elect previous members to the executive committee for the 2023-2025 term. All persons on the executive committee serve on a purely volunteer basis for a two-year term.
As of midnight Saturday, 18 February (the previously announced deadline for nominations), the nominations committee had received nominations for all positions.
Electronic ballots will be sent out latest by Wednesday 16 March (10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting). We thank all those who submitted their nominations and for being part of our own democratic process. We look forward to the voting process next month.
Get to know the candidates by reading through their biographies and statements of candidacy, which are compiled in the following document.
Kelsey L. Martin, Secretary, DA Stockholm-Uppsala
Chris Brandon, Secretary, DA Skåne
Carry Cooper, Member, DA Western Sweden