We are thrilled to bring you the first Democrats Abroad Paris Newsletter from the 2021-2023 Paris Chapter Executive Committee members! We are busy planning exciting events and discussions with all of you, and we can’t wait to get started! Please scroll down or click 'read more' to learn some fun facts about us, how to get involved, and how we will continue to win elections from abroad!
Democratically yours,
DA Paris GOTV Team
The Paris Chapter is making a strong effort to do a seasonal newsletter with all the information you need to stay up to date. By sending you fewer emails, we hope you will read those you receive. Thanks for reading!
In this Issue-
- Meet & Greet the New Paris Chapter Excomm - May 12, 2021
- Solidarity Sundays: Political Scholar Dr. Elaine Kamarck, MoonShot (Biden's $2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill)- May 30, 2021
- Pride Month Kickoff- Drag Bingo Fundraiser! -June 5, 2021
- Global Virtual Pride - June 20, 2021
- Solidarity Sundays: Climate Change, what now? Are we too late? June 27, 2021
- How to stay engaged & involved
2021 Annual General Meeting & Elections:
- Election Results
Issues & Actions
- Fun facts about the Paris Chapter Excomm
- Vacancy notice for Events Coordinator
- Support the Paris Chapter GOTV Efforts
Our Executive Committee meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month. Our next meeting will be held online on: Wednesday, May 12, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. Members are welcome to join us at the meetings. Please contact Juan at [email protected] to join.
Meet the new Paris ExComm Team
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 19:00-20:00 CET Paris
RSVP for the Zoom Link
Solidarity Sundays: Moonshot
Sunday May 30, 2021 16:00-17:30 CET Paris
RSVP to receive the Zoom link
DA Paris Drag Bingo Fundraiser
Saturday, June 5, 2021, 20:00-22:00 CET Paris
RSVP to receive the Zoom Link
Donate just 10 EUR to participate
For every 10 EUR, we can reach 50 voters!
SUNDAY- JUNE 20, 2021 (TBD)
Climate Change: What now? Are we too late?
SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 2021 16:00-17:30 CET PARIS
Follow us on Facebook Solidarity Sundays to stay inform on our events
How to Stay Engaged & Involved
The incredible non-partisan get out the vote effort (or, ‘GOTV’ as we call it) undertaken by our Democrats Abroad volunteers around the globe in 2020 meant that more Americans than ever were successfully able to register and vote, despite so many challenges which could otherwise have prevented them doing so. The 2022 midterm elections are around the corner (yes, already!), and we’ll hope to have our members engaged again starting in the autumn to make sure we succeed in supporting voters in 2022. Stay tuned for more information about local opportunities that will be coming your way later this year.
In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about volunteering, as well as important actions you can take right now, please click here.
2021 Annual General Meeting & Elections:
Due to Covid restrictions, the election of the 2021-23 DA FRANCE PARIS ExComm was conducted in an online-only format. To maximize opportunities for engagement in the electoral process, the Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) issued multiple announcements soliciting nominations in the weeks before the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and ensured that members would have ample time to cast votes. Voting concluded on March 13th at the AGM. Although several qualified candidates stepped forward to serve on the ExComm, there were no contested races.
Congratulations to our new ExComm members:
Juan Cerda Paris Chapter Chair
Kate Barrett Paris Chapter Vice-Chair
Joe Smallhoover Paris Secretary
Simone Slifman Paris Outreach (GOTV and IT)
Emilie-Rose Aidan Paris Communications
Natalia Nolan Paris Treasurer
Juan Cerda, Paris Chapter Chair
- Before the pandemic, my last big hurrah was celebrating carnival in Brazil.
- I’ve been on top of the Golden Gate Bridge over 20 times
- I’m asked to bring my guacamole at almost every eating function; it’s that good! 😌
Kate Barret, Paris Chapter Vice-Chair
- I studied classical flute for 12 years.
- My college nickname was Eddie Vedder.
- I own more pajamas than regular outfits.
Simone Slifman, Paris Outreach (GOTV & Database/IT)
- I went to the 1994 World Cup final as part of then VP Gore’s motorcade.
- I moved to France with only three suitcases, but somehow my mom still managed to make sure I brought my vegetable peeler.
- Although I'm a dual citizen of the US and UK, I'm not currently eligible to vote in the UK as I've never officially lived there. Good thing I can vote blue in the US and my home state of California!
Natalia Nolan, Paris Treasurer
- I’m a clarinetist. I’ve played in various local orchestras and was even in the marching band in high school.
- I love roller skating! Not rollerblading, but the “old school” 4 wheel skates.
- I’ve traveled to 26 countries and am dreaming of visiting Japan when this pandemic is over!
Joseph Smallhoover, Paris Secretary
- I have been to the North Pole and the South Pole, and the Equator.
- I voted for the first time in the 1976 presidential election and did so as an overseas voter from Vienna.
- I have bungee jumped, sky-dived, para-glided, and hang-gliding.
Emilie-Rose Aidan, Paris Communications
- My birthday is March 8th: International Women’s Day, and my initials are ERA: Equal Rights Amendment. I was born a feminist!
- I did ballet for 14 years and still love it, and I can’t wait to go see a live performance as soon as everything reopens!
- I am the biggest Friends fan and can pretty much quote every episode.
Vacancy Notice: Paris Events Coordinator
The Paris Executive Committee is in search of an events coordinator to be part of our executive committee. If you're interested in helping coordinate and plan events for the Paris Chapter, please send an email with an expression of interest to Juan Cerda at [email protected]
Support the Paris Chapter GOTV Efforts
Your support is needed to help our Paris Chapter achieve its ambitious goals. For every $10, we can reach 50 voters! Click here to make a financial donation to Democrats Abroad France-Paris. Funds will go a long way in helping us organize ahead of elections. The more resources we mobilize, the more impact we can have!