DA Heidelberg Chair Candidate Statement
My name is Nancy Schimkat. I’m 54 years old, and made Germany my adopted home in 1997 when I joined my now German husband. We have two teenaged children. I have a M.A. in Political Science and a M.A. in Applied Linguistics. Besides running the household, I teach business English part-time and have also been an active member of our local school parents’ association for several years. I’ve been a member of the DAHD Chapter since 2009.
Democrats Abroad is a way for us ex-pats to stay in touch with goings-on back in the U.S., find support among like-minded people, and it provides a chance for us to actively support the party and its candidates come election time. We are now entering uncertain times as Donald Trump takes over as the 45th U.S. president, and both houses of Congress are under Republican control. Now, more than ever, we need to find ways to help the Democratic Party regain its foothold in Washington and in the fifty states. As a group, we should continue to share ideas and educate ourselves about current issues. In addition to our DA activities here in Germany, we should also be writing to our representatives, communicating with our local parties stateside and encouraging more participation in the political process. With the internet at our disposal, there is a lot we can do from overseas. With this in mind, I ask that you give me the chance to work as Chairperson of this fantastic Heidelberg group.