May 17, 2023

Make Your Voice Heard in DA’s Global Elections!

Every year, Democrats Abroad elected representatives vote on resolutions that inform the policy stances and actions we take as a state party, while every two years, we elect the eight international and regional leaders who will guide us through the next election cycle. The 2023 leadership and resolutions votes will take place during the hybrid DA Global Meeting in Washington, D.C. from June 9-11. There are opportunities from now and into June to meet the candidates and to share your views on the resolutions up for debate, many of which concern pressing issues like climate action, racial justice, women’s rights, economic equity, and primary election reform. Keep reading to learn how YOU can make your voice heard! 

Meet the Candidates for International and Regional Leadership

This June, DPCA Voting Representatives* from Germany will vote on the international team that will lead our global organization for the next two years, and we want to hear from YOU! That’s why we have organized two sessions to provide members an opportunity to hear from the candidates running for the five global offices of the DA International Executive Committee.

  • RSVP here to meet the Candidates for DA International Secretary, International Treasurer, and International Counsel on May 24 at 7:30 p.m. CEST.  Do you have questions for the candidates? Fill out this form to submit your inquiry.

  • RSVP here to meet the Candidates for DA International Chair and International Vice Chair on May 26 at 7:30 p.m. CEST.  Do you have questions for the candidates? Fill out this form to submit your inquiry.

As Democrats Abroad Germany is a member country of DA’s Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region, our DAG Chair Kenton Barnes and Vice Chair Emily Lines will also participate in electing the EMEA Regional Vice Chair, responsible for coordinating activities and promoting cooperation among the dozens of country committees within EMEA. 

You can get to know the 2023 contenders for EMEA Regional Vice Chair by reading their candidate statements and attending a Meet the Candidates forum on May 31 at 5:00 p.m. CEST.

The vote to select our 2023-2025 EMEA Regional Vice Chair will take place in person in Washington, D.C. and online on June 11 at 9:00 a.m. EST / 3:00 p.m. CEST. RSVP here to attend the meeting as an observer.

Who do you think should lead Democrats Abroad through the critical 2024 presidential election cycle? Join the sessions above to get to know the candidates and ask questions. Then, share your views with the DPCA Voting Representatives for Germany by sending an email to [email protected]


Share Your Voice on Proposed Resolutions

In addition to electing the Democrats Abroad International officers and EMEA Regional Vice Chair, DAG Voting Representatives will soon be voting on 23 proposed resolutions that declare DA’s stances on a number of important political issues. You can see the full package of draft 2023 resolutions here.

If you are a DA member at any level and want to express your views on the proposed resolutions, please take some or all of the following steps: 

  1. Review the resolutions packet and share your thoughts during the public comment period, which is open through May 19, by sending an email to [email protected].

    Be sure to include the number and name of the resolution you are commenting on. We recommend sending a separate email for each resolution you comment on, including the resolution number/name in the subject line.

  2. To hear directly from the authors, you are invited to join the online public resolutions hearing on May 20 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. CEST.

    Can’t make that date? The Global Progressive Caucus is hosting a session on May 29 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. CEST to discuss the DA resolutions process and meet the candidates for International Chair. RSVP for the Zoom link.

  3. Reach out to your DPCA Voting Reps for Germany by emailing [email protected] and let us know how you’d like us to vote on the resolutions.

  4. Don’t forget to RSVP to attend (either in person or online) the Democrats Abroad Global Meeting from June 9-11, where representatives from DA country committees around the world will debate and vote on the resolutions.


Thank you for doing your part to promote democracy in DA and beyond!


Democratically yours, 

2023-2025 DA Germany DPCA Delegation
Kenton Barnes, DA Germany Chair (Göttingen-Hannover Region)
Emily Lines, DA Germany Vice Chair (Berlin Region)
Angela Fobbs, DPCA Voting Representative (Wiesbaden-Mainz Region)
Ann Hesse, DPCA Voting Representative Alternate (Stuttgart and Southwestern Germany)
Antar Keith, DPCA Voting Representative (Saxony)
Carl Landon Taylor, DPCA Voting Representative (Frankfurt and Greater Hessen)
Christian Gross, DPCA Voting Representative (Göttingen-Hannover Region)
Cliff Stuehmer, DPCA Voting Representative (North and Central Bavaria)
Constance Chucholowski, DPCA Voting Representative (Berlin Region)
Daniel Hoever-Eckhardt, DPCA Voting Representative Alternate (Heidelberg-Rhine-Neckar Region)
Jennifer von Estorff, DPCA Voting Representative (Göttingen-Hannover Region)
Kaitlyn Kennedy, DPCA Voting Representative (Saxony)
Karena Detweiler, DPCA Voting Representative Alternate (Berlin Region)
Malaika Kusumi, DPCA Voting Representative (Frankfurt and Greater Hessen)
Mark Neel, DPCA Voting Representative (Stuttgart and Southwestern Germany)
Powen Shiah, DPCA Voting Representative (Berlin Region) 
Quaide Williams, DPCA Voting Representative (Cologne-Bonn Region)
Shari Temple, DPCA Voting Representative (Munich and Southern Bavaria)
Stephen Foose, DPCA Voting Representative Alternate (Frankfurt and Greater Hessen)
Teresa Ritterhoff, DPCA Voting Representative (Wiesbaden-Mainz Region)

Other DPCA Representatives from Germany:
Candice Kerestan, Democrats Abroad International Chair**  (Munich and Southern Bavaria)
Katie Solon, Democrats Abroad DNC Member**  (Munich and Southern Bavaria)


* DPCA Voting Representatives vote on your behalf at international Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA) meetings on matters of public and internal policy and global leadership. Germany’s Voting Reps are elected every two years, most recently at the Annual General Meeting held in Ingelheim am Rhein in March 2023.

** Democrats Abroad elects six DNC Members for four-year terms in presidential election years. The International Chair and International Vice Chair also serve as ex officio DNC Members.