DA Germany VMF Caucus March News

Democrats Abroad Germany

Veterans and Military Families Caucus

Robert Scott and Terese Sarno, DAG VMF Caucus Co-Chair
DA Germany


March 2024 News

2024 Democratic Global Primary

March 5-12  Vote in the 2024 Global Presidential Primary in Germany 

It’s DA Global Presidential Primary(GPP) time in Germany! Go to the polls and vote in person! Find a voting location near you! 

Volunteer to help your chapter’s GPP! Voting Centers will be located in: Aachen, Berlin, Bonn, Bremen, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern-Saarland, Munich, Münster, Nürnberg, Regensburg, Wiesbaden.

Global Presidential Primary (GPP) Voting Center Locations


Let’s help the military increase their voter registration and voting numbers. With your help, we can do it! We need your help for our VMF Voter Registration Teams! Please sign up for the DA Voter Assistance Training Workshops so you can be ready to help fellow Americans vote in the Presidential election. We want to ensure that every U.S. citizen in Germany votes in the upcoming elections! Every vote is needed! Contact us for more information: [email protected]

Voter Assistance Training-Help Us Help Overseas Voters


Please support our efforts on behalf of Veterans and Military Families.

ERA–Please keep contacting your representatives in Congress. Let your two Senators and your Representative know that we need their support now for the ERA.  Affirm ERA as the 28th Amendment with the Action Button – the power of action is in your hands! 


MARCH is National Ethics Awareness Month

Workplace ethics – not to be confused with work ethic, referring to someone’s dedication to hard work – refers to the application of moral values to every aspect of a business. Work ethics applies to not only how a business interacts with customers but also its interactions between employees.

March 1 – Mindfulness Meditation 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon ET

March 2 – Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) 101st Birthday Celebration.

March 3 – Navy Reserve Birthday

March 4 – National Hug a G.I. Day

March 5 – Seabee Birthday

March 5-12 – 2024 Global Presidential Primary Voting Center Locations

March 7 – National Slam The Scam Day Protect Yourself Against Social Security Scams

March 8 – International Women’s Day    Inspire Inclusion.

March 9 – VMF Caucus Steering Committee, 7:00 a.m. ET WebEx link

March 10 – U.S. Daylight Saving Time Begins

March 13 – National K9 Veterans Day

March 15-17 – The American Legion 105th Birthday

March 18 – National Supreme Sacrifice Day

March 20Transitioning Successfully into Retirement, 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. ET

March 21 - Gold Medal Ceremony in Congress for the Ghost Army, 11 a.m.

March 21 – Rosie The Riveter Day

March 25 – National Medal of Honor Day

March 29 – National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Upcoming DA Activities    


Upcoming Events

April 18 – 3rd Annual Germany Retiree Survivor Workshop in-person event from 1300-1500 at the LRMC Heaton Auditorium (Landstuhl). This is your chance to personally sit down with Legal, VA, Tricare, Casualty Manager & Post-Retirement Services Officer, members of the US Army Regional Mortuary Europe/Africa, KMC Retiree Council and many more!

May – Memorial Day Luxembourg American Cemetery

June 6 – D-Day 80th anniversary at Omaha Beach in Normandy

June 28-July 4 – Armed Forces Voters Week and Overseas Citizens Voters Week

August 1-8 Military Spouse Voters Week-Encourage all absentee military spouse voters to register to vote and fill out the FVAP.

October 1-8 – Absentee Voters Week–Encourage people to request their absentee ballots! www.votefromabroad.org 

Please keep contacting your representatives in Congress. Let your two Senators and your Representative know that we need their support now for the ERA. Affirm ERA as the 28th Amendment with the Action Button-the power of action is in your hands!