August 28, 2023

DPCA Extraordinary Meeting on September 9, 2023

Please note this 15-day reminder that the Democratic Party Committee Abroad will meet on Saturday, September 9, on WebEx. This DPCA Special Meeting is open to all DA members.

DPCA Voting Members—including Country Chairs, Country Vice Chairs, DPCA Voting Representatives, DNC members, and DPCA International Officers—are explicitly requested to attend. Karen Frankenstein, DA International Secretary, shared the Proxy Form with all DPCA voting representatives on August 16. The proxy submission deadline is 08:00 AM US Eastern on Wednesday, September 6, 2023.

The Meeting Orientation and Rules document, with a review of Parliamentary Procedure and meeting rules, can be found here. The draft meeting agenda can be found here. Please take a look at the rules and procedures before the meeting.

A meeting of the Americas region will also be held on September 9.

Meeting Purpose and Materials

The purpose of the meeting is to consider resolutions originally scheduled for consideration at the 2023 AGM but deferred due to lack of time for this item on the AGM agenda. No new resolutions will be considered at this meeting.

A number of amendments to the resolutions in the Resolutions Committee Final Report have been agreed upon with the authors. The resolutions, including agreed-upon amendments, are available on the Wiki resolutions page.

DNC Representative Election

At this meeting, we will also elect a global DNC Representative to fill the vacancy created by my election to International Chair. Per the Democrats Abroad charter, interested parties may nominate from the floor.

The term of the 2020-2024 DNC Representatives runs until the end of the final session of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on August 22, 2024. Information about the role of the 2020-2024 DNC Representative is available here. ProDA has also provided information on DA DNC members here.

We will hold two sessions to inform interested candidates and voting reps about the role of a DA DNC Representative and ask any questions they may have. Prospective candidates will also be allowed to introduce themselves (two minutes) and have five minutes to answer any questions from DPCA representatives. Please RSVP to receive the meeting links.

Information and Q&A Sessions on September 2, 2023


4:00 AM Eastern 1:30 PM Mumbai, 4:00 PM Hong Kong, 5:00 PM Tokyo, 6:00 PM Sydney


8:00 AM Vancouver, 9:00 AM Mexico City, 11:00 AM Washington DC,
4:00 PM London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam


September 9 DPCA Extraordinary Meeting:

6:00 AM Eastern Time



Americas Regional Meeting

Immediately following the adjournment of the full DPCA meeting, an Americas Regional Meeting will be called to elect a regional DNC Representative to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Ken Sherman. This email serves as the 15-day notice of the regional meeting. Please find the tentative agenda for the regional meeting linked here. DPCA Voting Representatives from the Americas will be the electors for this meeting.

RSVP here:


If you have questions, additions, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me, with a cc to our International Secretary, Karen Frankenstein, and our Executive Director, Jarryd Rauch, and we’ll do our best to accommodate them.


Martha McDevitt-Pugh

International Chair