December 12, 2015

Vote In the Global Presidential Primary

Global Presidential Primary

Democrats Abroad Have a Voice

Each presidential election cycle, Democrats Abroad holds a global primary, when U.S. citizens and registered Democrats all over the world can cast a ballot for the candidate to best represent our concerns.

There is nothing more important you can do as a Democrat living abroad than to vote in our Global Presidential Primary and to get as many others to do the same. The more votes we can register, the more strength Democrats Abroad can display, which in turn may lead to more support for our important efforts in the future.

Beginning Super Tuesday, March 1 until March 8, Democrats living abroad will be able to vote in a dedicated global primary to choose the party's candidate for the presidential election.

Based on our votes, Democrats Abroad will send 21 voting delegates to the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia.

The National Convention will be July 25-28 in Philadelphia, PA, at which time the Democratic candidate for the presidential election is chosen. And with your help, we will see the next Democratic President of the United States elected on November 8, 2016!