February 17, 2016

Where in the World Will You Vote?

Global Primary Voting in Zurich, Saturday March 5th
Global Primary Voting in Geneva, Super-Tuesday March 1st

U.S. citizens living outside of the United States are urged to vote in the Global Presidential Primary. For Democrats living abroad, there is nothing more important than voting in the GPP and getting as many others to do the same. We will be counted by the number of votes we register in the #2016GPP and a strong turn-out will ensure elected officials remember they represent Americans living outside of the country too.

Democrats Abroad Have a Voice

Democrats Abroad’s Global Presidential Primary provides overseas Americans a voice in selecting the party's nominee for president.

In Switzerland, Americans may vote in person at Global Presidential Primary Voting Centers in Geneva and Zürich.

Beginning Super-Tuesday, March 1 until March 8, Democrats living abroad will vote in a dedicated global presidential primary to choose the party's candidate for the presidential election. Based on our votes, Democrats Abroad will send 21 voting delegates to the Democratic Party National Convention.

The National Convention will be July 25-28 in Philadelphia, PA, at which time the Democratic candidate for presidential election is chosen. And with your help, we will see the next Democratic President of the United States elected on November 8, 2016!

Voting in the Global Presidential Primary

You may vote in the GPP in-person at one of the voting centers or by mail, fax, or email.

Option 1: Vote in-person

Cast your ballot in Switzerland's Voting Centers in Geneva or Zürich during our Global Presidential Primary on March 1st to 8th, 2016.

Geneva on Tuesday March 1st, 5 to 9pm at the Warwick Hotel.

Zürich on Saturday March 5th, 3 to 8pm at the EMA House Hotel.

For American citizens living outside of the 50 states but not in Switzerland, a full list of voting centers around the world can be found at DemocratsAbroad.org/gpp.

Option 2: Vote by mail

Request or download a ballot between January 11 and February 8, 2016 and mail it by March 8, 2016 to:
Peter Butterfield
Rue Bourg-de-Four 8
CH-1170 Aubonne.

Download the ballot from www.democratsabroad.org/gpp: “Ballot for voting by mail, fax, or email, with detailed instructions (PDF, 6 pages)"

Option 3: Vote by fax

Download the ballot above and fax it to +1-888-958-6739.

Option 4: Vote by email

Print, complete, sign, and scan the ballot, and then send it as an attachment to: [email protected] anytime from 00:00 hours CET on March 1, 2016 as long as it is received no later than 24:00 hours CET on March 8, 2016.