As amended on December 17, 2018
The Executive Committee of Democrats Abroad Germany has developed and adopted the following rules, which shall apply to ALL chapter elections.
- Position
- It is strongly encouraged that the Chapters elect a Chapter Chair as well as a Chapter board at their Annual Chapter Meetings in odd-numbered years.
- These positions may include a Chapter Vice Chair, for which gender balance rules shall apply, and other positions as deemed necessary for the running of the chapter.
- Board
positions elected at the same meeting as the Chapter Chair (i.e., not
appointed positions) may not be removed from office except by a vote of
the DAG Executive Committee (DAG bylaws, Article 8). Until further remedy
exists, the DAG Executive Committee will intervene in such matters only
when removal by Article 8 cannot be executed by a Chapter board itself.
It is strongly encouraged that any vacancies in Chapter-level board positions be remedied by the Chapter board following the procedures outlined for DAG Executive Committee vacancies (DAG bylaws, Section 4.9). - Chapters may opt to elect only a Chapter Chair, in which case the Chapter Chair shall have sole authority for appointing or removing any chapter positions that he or she may deem appropriate to create. The Chapter Chair shall retain the right of removal for appointed position holders for any reason at any time.
- Term of office.
- A Chapter Chair’s term of office shall begin at the time of his or her election and shall end upon the election of a new Chapter Chair or the removal or resignation of such Chapter Chair in accordance with the bylaws of DAG.
- Subject to section 2c below, no person may serve three full terms consecutively. Any term of office of more than 15 months shall be deemed to be a full term.
- In the event that a chapter cannot obtain a qualifying replacement for a Chapter Chair who has served two consecutive full terms, a third term may be authorized by a 2/3 vote of the DAG Executive Committee.
- Dates of Election. Elections for Chapter Chair shall be held during the first calendar quarter of each odd numbered year, but in no case later than 7 days prior to the DAG Annual General Meeting for such odd-numbered year.
- Eligibility to serve as chapter chair. No person may be elected to the position of Chapter Chair who:
- at the time of the election has been a registered member of the relevant chapter (as determined by the official DAG membership database as of the date of the election) for fewer than 28 days or
- has been removed for cause from an elected position within DAG during the 24-month period preceding the election date and has not obtained the approval of a majority of the DAG Executive Committee for his or her candidacy.
- Election procedures.
- Robert’s Rules of Order: Elections shall be held in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order and these rules. These rules shall take precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order in any and all cases of conflict.
- Announcement of Election:
- The current Chapter Chair (or, in the absence of a Chapter Chair for a chapter, the Chair of DAG) shall via email notify the membership of the relevant chapter (as determined by the official DAG membership database for such chapter as of the date of such notice) of the election date no earlier than 60 and no later than 28 days in advance.
- The announcement will attach a copy of these rules.
- The announcement will include the location, directions to the location, and the date and time of the election.
- The location of the election shall be a place reasonably accessible to the members of the relevant chapter.
- If an election is held on a weekday, the election process shall not begin before 1930 or later than 2100 (7:30/9:00 pm) that day. If an election is held on a Saturday or a Sunday, the election may not begin before 1300 or later than 2100 (1:00/9:00 pm).
- Nominations.
- Any member of the relevant chapter may be nominated or may self-nominate without a second for the position of Chapter Chair so long as the nomination or self-nomination is made no later than 14 days prior to the election date. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the election, if supported by a second from among the membership. Persons nominated must agree to the nomination to be an eligible candidate. Only persons nominated in accordance with the procedure set out above shall be eligible for election.
- Nominations or self-nominations made 14 days or more prior to the election shall be communicated by the DAG Secretary or Chapter Chair to the entire membership of the relevant chapter no later than 10 days prior to the election in the same manner as the election announcement and may be accompanied by a statement of no more than 250 words supporting the candidacy. Alternatively, a link to a statement posted on the official Democrats Abroad website may be provided. In all cases the nominated person must approve the candidate statement.
- The notification of nomination and the candidate statement do not have to be included in the same communication, but if they are not, the message that does not contain the candidate statement may only state the name of the individual and the fact that he or she has been nominated for the position.
- Campaigns.
- Individual campaigns for the position of Chapter Chair are allowed and encouraged, but in no circumstance may the chapter membership be contacted using the official DAG membership database for such chapter except for the nomination notices and candidate statements set out in section 5.c. above.
- Personal information from the official DAG membership database, including the names, email addresses, physical addresses, phone/fax/cell phone numbers or other contact details of any member of the chapter, shall not be disclosed to any candidate or any supporter of a candidate and shall be subject to all the restrictions on the use of the membership database as have been established in the bylaws or by the DAG Executive Committee.
- Candidates
may distribute flyers or campaign literature at meetings of the relevant
chapter without restriction so long as the conduct of the meeting itself
is not interrupted or disturbed.
- Eligible Voters. All qualified members of a chapter shall be entitled to vote. Qualified individuals may join DA on the day of the election.
- Voters are presumed qualified to participate in the election if (1) they have joined DAG before arriving at the voting center or (2) at the voting center they join DAG and establish their identity by objective documentary evidence (including passport, residence card, military or student ID, etc.). Persons who appear on the membership rolls of their DAG chapter do not need to provide any form of identification (ID) to be qualified to vote.
- Persons are not qualified to vote if it can be established by positive proof that: (1) the person is not a U.S. citizen, (2) is not a member of Democrats Abroad, and/or (3) is a member of a Country Committee of Democrats Abroad or DAG Chapter other than the one in which the voter is seeking to participate.
- Any prospective voter who is deemed unqualified to vote under these criteria may still cast a provisional ballot.
- Election Day procedures.
- All elections shall take place at the time, date and place specified in the election notice distributed pursuant to section 5.b. above. The current chapter chair shall ensure that adequate election materials are available, e.g. ballots, pens, displayable sheets for candidate names, etc.
- A minimum of 12 members present and voting shall be required to hold an election if there is more than one candidate for Chapter Chair. Only members present at the meeting may vote; no proxies or prior/later balloting shall be allowed. If an election is held in the absence of the necessary quorum but otherwise in accordance with these rules, the Chapter Chair so elected may apply to the DAG Executive Committee for certification of the election results. As long as no member of the relevant chapter has challenged the election, the DAG Executive Committee by a 2/3 vote may certify the results of such election, in which case the election shall be deemed valid as if it had been held in the presence of a quorum.
- If the current Chapter Chair is a candidate, the election meeting shall be temporarily chaired by an individual who is not a candidate or acting for a candidate (the “Temporary Chair”). The Temporary Chair shall be nominated by the current Chapter Chair and serve if a majority of those present approve by voice vote or hand count.
- The Chapter Chair (or Temporary Chair, as the case may be) shall call for any nominations, including self-nominations, from the floor; however, as stated above in Rule 5(c)(1), a second from among the members present and voting must be obtained prior to the name being added to the list of eligible candidates. Votes for write-in candidates shall be invalid and shall not be counted.
- Prior to any vote being taken, each candidate shall be allowed to address the chapter for ten minutes on her/his candidacy. A candidate not present may be represented by another member of the chapter, but that member must have been designated by the candidate, in writing/email or by telephone, prior to the election meeting and verifiable at the time of the meeting. No seconding speeches shall be allowed. The order of speeches shall be determined by lot.
- The Chapter Chair (or Temporary Chair, as the case may be) shall name two election monitors, who shall ensure that only eligible voters obtain ballots and shall be responsible for counting all ballots. No monitor may be a candidate or a person representing a candidate. Each candidate shall be allowed to name one witness (other than himself or herself) to the counting of ballots.
- Elections shall be conducted by written ballot with the names of all candidates who have been nominated prior to the meeting as well as a space for candidates nominated from the floor.
- A majority vote (that is, 50% plus 1 of the members present and voting) shall be required for election. If, after counting all ballots, no majority exists, the person with the lowest number of votes shall be disqualified and a new round of balloting conducted. This process shall continue until a candidate receives a majority of the ballots cast.
- If there is only one candidate for Chapter Chair at the time of the vote, a voice vote may be conducted, and no paper ballots will be necessary.
- The results of each ballot shall be announced by the election monitors; once a candidate has received a majority of the votes cast, the winner shall be announced by the Chapter Chair (or Temporary Chair, as the case may be). The results shall be certified by the signature of the Chapter Chair (or Temporary Chair, as the case may be) and the two election monitors and communicated to the Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair, of DAG within 24 hours.
- Upon the announcement of the election winner, the current Chapter Chair shall turn over conduct of the meeting to the new Chapter Chair.
- For all contested elections, all ballots shall be retained by the Temporary Chair and made available in case of a challenge to the election.
- Challenge to Election Results. Any challenge to the announced election results must be made by two members present and voting and the reasons for the challenge must be communicated to the Chair or Vice Chair of DAG within 72 hours of the election. The DAG Chair or Vice Chair shall investigate the challenge and report to the Executive Committee. The DAG Executive Committee shall consider the report of the DAG Chair or Vice Chair, as the case may be, and, by majority vote without the current Chapter Chair of the affected chapter voting, shall determine whether the result shall stand, someone other than the announced winner be declared the winner, or a new election be held. If a new election is mandated, the DAG Executive Committee may name an observer for the conduct of the new election. The determination of the DAG Executive Committee on any challenge shall be final. The DAG Executive Committee by a 2/3 vote may annul any election where, in its judgment, improper electoral activity has occurred. This shall include, but not be limited to, the infiltration of a chapter by an outside group that the Executive Committee, in its judgment, believes does not support the DNC as per the DNC bylaws.
- DAG Bylaws. In the event of any conflict between these rules and the DAG bylaws (not including these rules), the DAG bylaws shall prevail. Any capitalized terms used but not defined in these rules shall have the meanings assigned to them in the DAG bylaws.
16 December 2006
Amended, 17 December 2018