Please mark your calendars for the next Kaiserslautern Chapter meeting on Monday, October 30th at 5:30 p.m. at the Spinnrädl in Kaiserslautern. Our special guest will be Will Bakker, Democrats Abroad global executive committee member, EMEA Regional Vice Chair, Luxembourg Chair and acting-chair for the Voting Rights group.
Mr. Bakker will lead a discussion on the following topics:
- DA's overall strategy and goals for winning in 2018.At the global level, the grave need to turn out the vote and win in 2018 means going beyond our usual reach in midterms: phone banking to US-based voters + identifying thousands of Americans living in Germany who are not members and motivating them to vote using a broad range of tools.
- Republican dismantling of voting infrastructure for overseas voters in their proposed budgets.
- Kris Kobach's "Commission" for voter suppression and what that tells us about how Republicans want to suppress the overseas vote.
- Positives on voting at the state level: fixing the disenfranchisement of "never resided" citizens by DA lobbying at the state level.
WHEN: October 30, 2017, 5:30pm - 8:30pm
WHERE: Spinnrädl Restaurant
Schillerstraße 1, Kaiserslautern 67655, Germany
It should be a lively and informative discussion. If need more information please contact the Chapter Chair, Terese Sarno.
We hope to see you there.