We all need to stand against the AHCA. The most effective tool we have to do this is to contacting our Senators even if they are Democrats. Our representatives need to hear from us so they understand that most Americans do not support the AHCA.
The first and most important step is finding your representatives, to go the online Senate directory you can click on here. You can choose your state in the drop-down menu, and the contact information, including the Washington D.C. phone number and website, for your two senators appear.
Members of Congress have offices in DC, but they also have offices in their home district that they represent. It might be easier to get through to their district offices. A list of their home office phone numbers can be found here.
Another option is using Resistbot. Text “RESIST” to 50409 or message it on Facebook it will find out who represents you in Congress and deliver your message to them in under 2 minutes. Using Resistbot is free and there's no need to download an app or sign up for anything. You literally just send the text or Facebook message and follow the directions from there. Click here to use Resistbot.
What happens when you call?
A legislative assistant will answer the phone. They'll ask if you need a response. It might be better if you say you don't, that way they can tally you down without having to go through the extra step of adding you to a response database but that is completely your choice.
The most important part is to be clear about what issue you're calling about: You want them to vote against the AHCA bill. Getting straight to the point makes things easier for everyone — including those who are waiting for their phone calls to be picked up.
Here is a sample of a script you could use:
"Hello, my name is Nancy Smith. I'm a constituent from New York, zip code 10001. I don't need a response. I am opposed to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act and I strongly encourage the Senator to please oppose any type of repeal. Thank you for your hard work!"
You can say more if you want to but the most important part is to ask your Senator to vote against the AHCA. The Senate returns from its current recess on Monday, July 10th. Please contact your Senator before July 10th.