August 14, 2021

★ Voting and Volunteering ★


Hello Democrats Abroad China!

This year is proving there are #NoOffYears! Please pass on our message and encouragement to your friends, colleagues, and family members. We are in the midst of our #SummerOfAction and hope all members can attend our 


Join DACN as we round out the third meeting of the term! 

Pin pennants with pride and don your hometown hero jerseys! All DA China members are welcome to join as we discuss updates, progress and rock rally caps on Monday, August 16th.


Currently accepting photo submissions from July and August events, as well as members showcasing their DACN and/or USA swag. Pictures submitted by August 15th will make it into the meeting presentation. Please submit via e-mail: [email protected], or via WeChat: DemocratsAbroad.

The Board will begin the process of voting on Bylaws at this meeting.

First at bat is a DPCA amendment. On deck is the selection of a third DPCA voting member. The Bylaws and Rules committee will be reporting on the submissions process at this meeting. Members are encouraged to join the conversation! Please be sure to submit all additions and amendments to the Bylaws & Rules Committee by August 16th. Keep an eye out for further committee announcements.

Current DACN Bylaws and Rules:

Official Submission Form:



We need voters in China to act NOW!!! 

A reminder as we roll into the Fall election season, a page is set up on the GOTV Voting Blog with information about the

2021 elections in CA, NJ, VA, OH, and FL.  

You can find it at: under "2021 Special and State-wide Elections.

This information is available on the VFA State Voting pages:

The DA GOTV Wiki page has 2021 Election Calendars and more: 


The governing body of Democrats Abroad is called the Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA), which oversees Democrats Abroad's activities. To avoid confusion between local committees and the international body, we refer to our global body as the DPCA, but are known collectively as Democrats Abroad by the general public and media.

The DPCA is comprised of the Chair, Vice Chair, and Voting Representatives of each Country Committee, and the elected officers of the DPCA (Global Chair, Global Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Counsel, Regional Vice Chairs), as well as 6 DNC members elected every 4 years during the DA Global Convention.

The DPCA Resolutions Committee welcomes resolution submissions. Having received resolutions for this term, but not having time to vote on them at the Global DA meeting in May, voting will instead take place this August. The agenda is outlined on the website and subject to change.

The DPCA Global Meeting will be held over two days:

Saturday, August 21st at 8:30PM Beijing (8:30AM EST), and 

Sunday, August 22nd at 8:30PM Beijing (8:30AM EST). 


DPCA Home for Resolutions and more: 

E-mail questions and comments to: [email protected] or [email protected]


The Asia Pacific Regional Meeting will be held on Sunday, August 15, at 1:30PM Beijing (1:30AM EST). Find details to join on DACN’s TeamUp Calendar, or by contacting the Regional Vice Chair [email protected].



There are many ways to get involved in DA China as a volunteer and leader! Currently the positions fo Counsel and Director of Communications/IT are vacant. Caucuses, Committees and groups-in-formation need your experience! We also request help with reaching members and pressuring politicians to act. Contact us: [email protected]

Contact Regional Vice Chair Nicolas Gordon to assist Country Committees within the Asia Pacific region.

Have a very special set of skills? DA Global is looking for a DPO, IO & ISO. Please contact DA Global Counsel.



Support voting by promoting DACN! We are currently fundraising.To order:

contact [email protected], or WeChat: DemocratsAbroad



There is much to be done in 2021! Spread the word about DACN and help us reach more Americans in China. Contact us to organize and volunteer both in-person and online. Every effort counts!


Let’s Get To Work!

Liz Blackbourn 

DACN Chair