The Executive Committee of Democrats Abroad Guatemala Meeting on Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 10:00 AM via WebEx
Members in Attendance: John Chudy, Chair; Kee Adams Evans, DCPA Voting Rep; Phyllis MacCarteny, Secretary; Jim Criste, Treasurer; Rachel Sheyno, Xela Meet-Up chair, David Dean, Member at Large
Per our bylaws (paragraph 19.3), all meetings are open to all members.
- Call to order 10:01
- Unanimously approved October 18th minutes and agenda for November 22nd meeting
Treasurer’s Report:The current balance of the DAGT Nation Builder account is USD$492.42 This reflects a $41.81 decrease in the balance during the past month. This decrease is the result of expenses in the amount of $56.81 paid for the “Los Otros Negros” event on September 23rd. These have apparently been offset somewhat by $15 in contributions during the month. However, I do not see these contributions reflected on the Nation Builder page where the last three (3) contributions of $5.00 each to DA/GT were posted on October 05, October 11, and October 12 and these would have been included in the October Treasurer’s Report..
I know for certain that at least 4 other sustaining contributions have been made during the first half of November which are not yet reflected on the Nation Builder page. I was in contact with Josh Van der Ploeg, the International Treasurer, and he told me the page was last updated on November 03. Since the resignation of Jarryd as Executive Director, they have no one to work on this on a regular basis.
We still have some local funds remaining in our “Shoebox”account which we were unable to transfer to the Nation Builder balance. That amount is currently GTQ2,895.25 (USD$380.95). This represents a reduction from last month resulting from the purchase of a projector for use in DA/GT meetings and activities. The cost of the projector was GTQ779.95 (USD$99.61). The remaining balance is still available for our use for non-political purposes.
As always, individuals may donate to our country committee, DAGT, at the following website:
Donate - Democrats Abroad (www.democratsabroad.org/donate_gt) Or to Democrats Abroad International at: Donations - Democrats Abroad (www.democratsabroad.org/donate)
Chair’s Report: The Democratic Party Committee Abroad held its special meeting on Sunday, November 12 on WebEx The meeting was attended by Kee Evans. Ten resolutions passed but time ran out for the other ten. Convened at 12:01 am and adjourned at 4:49 am. Resolutions that passed can be viewed here.The treasurer’s report that was to be presented at the June meeting was presented and approved and is viewable at: treasurer’s report.
- Regional Vice Chair for the Americas, Hope Bradberry, resigned. She is also chair of DA Mexico, and the workload left her no time for personal and family commitments. The position remains open for now.
- The Americas Regional Retreat November 4th (GOTV) for new voter registration assistants and new leaders was held and attended by about 15 from the region. A slide deck of the DA Basics that were covered is available at this link.
- The DA Youth Caucus held a session on the power of the youth vote on November 15th. Kee attended. The recorded link for the full program is viewable here.
- The DPCA is still seeking to raise at least $20,000 per month to cover operating expenses and meet (bare minimum) GOTV goals. CCs should raise $1 per member per calendar year for the DPCA (i.e., $0.50 per member for the last six months of 2023). This can be by a mix of calling donors, splitting donations between CCs and Global, fundraisers for the DPCA, sustaining donations, transfers of surplus funds from Country Committee subaccounts. Josh van der Ploeg’s give me 10 for Democracy campaign is up and running; https://www.democratsabroad.org/gt_split_donation.
- Get Out The Vote (GOTV 2024)
o CC CallHub campaign - about $120 for a DAGT campaign. Currently there are 423 members in Guatemala available for calls. Window for calling is approximately January 15 through 30.
o CallHub training sessions available at
Voter assistance training can be arranged on a case by case basis, or scheduled on the Democrats Abroad website at: https://www.democratsabroad.org/voter_assistance_training An overview of GOTV strategy is available at this link
- FEC Committee on Legal Compliance and Implementation Issues (CLCII), subcommittee completed analysis and a draft report with recommendations based on responses received from 36 of 47 country committees on its 2nd Survey regarding CC Legal and Financial Issues. On November 16th, the draft was sent to the full CLCII committee for review and comment. The full report will be presented to the DPCA Excom by November 30th.
- DAGT’s 2023-2025 campaign Be the Future in search of new members and leader development convened its first Meet and Greet on November 16th at Uncle Sam’s in Guatemala City. Jim Criste was the only member in attendance to meet and greet attendees.
- The Be The Future campaign to dovetail with the Rock the Vote in 2024 campaign. The recruitment poster to motivate new volunteers and new leaders in DAGT is ready. The first email blast of the poster went out November 1st. No responses. It will go out again on December 1st. Revisit next month.
Events for 2023
- DAGT movie projector – update on status, Kee Evans, There will be a trial run by Kee and John between January 8 - 13 at Casa Convento Concepción.
- Immigrants and Boomers, with new developments. Presentation by John Chudy sometime in late January or early February, at Casa Convento Concepción.
- Global Presidential Primary, in-person voting, will take place at Café Condesa in Antigua on Tuesday, March 5th, 9am to 5pm, with vote counting to follow from 5 to 6pm. Kee and John will be there all day. Volunteers needed for two-hour shifts to help direct traffic so there are no log jams at the entrance. Kee will send out a group email to all members of DAGT.
- International Voter Registration day will be held January 15.
Other Items:
Travel: Phyllis and Blaine, South East Asia Dec 3 to Jan 10; John, USA, Nov 12 to Jan 5.
Next meeting date, time, venue. December 20, 2023 at 10:00AM Guatemala time, via Webex
Adjournment 11:33