Thank you to everyone that participated in our DA Germany Annual General Meeting in Essen! It was wonderful to come together and see each other, and to have the chance to have interesting conversations and discuss our plans in 2024. We hope you were able to leave motivated and ready to work. We're sure you made sure to request your ballots at the meeting, but if not, make sure you go to today!
We are currently working on finding a new date to hear from our guest speaker, Derek Marshall. As soon as a date has been selected, we will make sure to let you know.
More pictures from the weekend are available here.
Participant Feedback
Whether you attended the meeting in person or were online, we would appreciate if you could take some time to share your thoughts on the weekend. You can complete our participant survey here.
Reports and Slides
The full reports prepared by the DA Germany Officers, Chapter Chairs, At-large Coordinators, and DPCA Voting Representatives are available here.
If you would like to review the presentations from the meeting, they are available here.
Music from the AGM
Even though we did not have much luck with the sound system at the dinner location, you can still enjoy the AGM playlist that our amazing Düsseldorf-Ruhr Region volunteers put together.
DA Germany Volunteer Award
We want to congratulate the three winners of our DA Germany Volunteer Appreciation Award:
- Renee Johnsson, Berlin Region Chapter
- Grace Tasch, Frankfurt and Greater Hessen Chapter
- Craig Weiser, Wiesbaden-Mainz Region Chapter
We are grateful for the time and energy they put in to this organization, as well as all the leaders and volunteers we have throughout Germany. Without our volunteers, we would not be as successful as we are!
There is a lot of work to do this year to make sure Democrats win in November. We hope you will become or continue to be active volunteers.
Our donor matching campaign is still going, so you can make a donation today and all donations $50 or more will be matched until February 10, 2024.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at info-germany@democratsabroad.
org . We hope to see you soon at another upcoming event!