The new Geneva Chapter of Democrats Abroad Switzerland is getting organized! Two new chapters – Basel and Geneva - join Zurich (2009) in May. The Geneva organizational meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 24 from 6 to 8 PM.
We are looking for a person, or people, who wish to run for Chapter Chair for the May 2017 – May 2019 term. This position will be elected on May 24. Chairperson will be the only chapter elected office.
This will also be the chapter organizational meeting, when we get the chapter up and running and talk about other positions on the new committee, to be appointed by the Chair. The positions of Vice-chair, Secretary/Treasurer, and Events/Volunteer Coordinator have been proposed.
The role of the future Chair will be to see that the Geneva Chapter engages its members in the U.S. political process with events and political action. The goals are to build community among area Democrats, and to help Democrats win U.S. races at state and federal levels, by getting out the vote in the 2018 U.S. Midterm Elections. There is plenty of opportunity and demand for activism to promote the Democratic message and to counter the policies being put in place by the new Republican administration. The Chair also appoints others to join the Chapter committee, and has a seat on the country executive committee. See fuller description below.
Consider running! Any member of Democrats Abroad active in the Geneva region is eligible, and encouraged, to run for Chair, and to vote.
To run for Chair, please submit your name, address, telephone number and email address to the Nominating Committee, along with optional Statement of Intent (up to 200 words). A statement could present what you think qualifies you for the position of chair, and the priorities that you will focus your time and energy on over the next two years.
Please submit your nomination and statement by Wednesday, May 10. The list of candidates and their statements, along with election details and voting procedures, will be posted on the website and emailed to members soon after.
The Chapter organizational meeting and election will take place: 6-8pm, Wednesday May 24, at a member’s home near old-town Geneva. For details see our event post here.
For further information about elections or the officer roles, please contact the Nominating Committee, or either member:
- Anne-Shelton Aaron ([email protected])
- Peter Butterfield ([email protected])
As Chief Executive Officer of the Geneva chapter and Member ex officio of the DACH Executive Committee (ExCom), the Chair is expected to
- be a dedicated team player who will work with Geneva volunteers, the DACH ExCom, and other chapters;
- appoint other chapter officers as needed to sit on the chapter committee, and define their responsibilities;
- organize and conduct regularly scheduled meetings and other events of the Geneva chapter as needed;
- establish and support all committees necessary for the proper functioning of the chapter;
- coordinate and share responsibility with the DACH ExCom for voter and member outreach in the Swiss Romande region where no chapters are yet established.