ERA was in the news several times. Here are some of the articles:
National News:
It’s Time to Pass the Equal Rights Amendment The Conversationalist
After Misogyny: How The Law Fails Women And What To Do About It, With Julie C. Suk Bucks County Beacon
‘Comstocked’: How Extremists Are Exploiting a Victorian-Era Law To Deny Abortion Access Ms. Magazine
The ERA: There is Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself Women’s eNews
ERA and Abortion Rights Are Key to Women’s Vote in 2024 Common Dreams
State News
Fifteen Minutes of Feminism: Fighting For Women Workers (with Rep. Rosa DeLauro Ms. Magazine
New York State Bar Association President Calls Removal of Notary Requirement in Civil Cases a Big Step Forward for Access to Justice New York State Bar Association
Pennsylvanians still waiting for high court to rule on Medicaid ban for abortion care-