There has been some progress for the ERA in the last few months. The amendment is definitely still alive. Advocacy help is still needed.
There has been ERA activity in all 3 branches of government this year.
Executive Branch
President Joe Biden continues to state his support of the Equal Rights Amendment. His nominee for U.S. Archivist, Colleen Shogun, was recently confirmed and sworn in last May. President Biden has not yet asked the Archivist to publish the fully ratified ERA.
Legislative Branch
There are currently 5 bills before the House and Senate. The co-sponsors are as of September 22, 2023.
House Bills:
HJRes 25 - This bill removes the deadline and declares the ERA then the 28th Amendment. (208 co-sponsors)
HJRes 82 - This bill expresses that the ERA is already the 28th Amendment and the Archivist must immediately publish. (64 co-sponsors)
Senate Bills:
SJRes 4 - This bill removes the deadline and declares the ERA is then the 28th Amendment. (53 co-sponsors)
SJRes 39 - This bill expresses that the ERA is already the 28th Amendment and the Archivist must immediately publish. (21 co-sponsors)
SJRes 107 - This bill states that the ERA is dead and must start over. (21 co-sponsors)
Judiciary Branch
Rep Cory Bush officially requested on September 20 that the Justice Department revoke the memo from 2020 that the Trump Administration sent to the U.S. Archivist to not publish the ERA, even if ratified by 38 states. Response pending.
Action Needed
Contact the Biden Administration to request the Archivist to publish the ERA.
Contact your Representatives to support publishing the ERA - HJRes 25 and HJRes 82.
Contact your Senators to support publishing the ERA - SJRes 4 and SJRes 39 and to vote against SJRes 107.