February 2024 |
Newsletter |
VOL. 4, NO. 2 |
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“Trump’s assault on democracy isn’t just part of his past. It’s what he’s promising for the future. He’s being straightforward. He’s not hiding the ball…This is the first national election since the January 6 insurrection placed a dagger at the throat of American democracy. We all know who Donald Trump is. The question we have to answer is: ‘Who are we?’ That’s what’s at stake. Who are we?” –President Joseph R. Biden
Chair’s Message
Due to personal reasons, as of January 31, 2024, I am resigning my position as Chair of the DA Global Veterans and Military Families Caucus. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your Chair, and together, we have accomplished a lot. In 2023 alone, the VMF Caucus posted numerous Facebook and X messages and increased the number of followers on both. We have increased our Caucus membership. The Caucus participated in webinars with State Teams and DNC-VMF members. With our Resolution, veterans and military family members were included in the Democrats Abroad’s Delegate Selection Plan. We were instrumental in having Bills introduced in Congress. We created videos and had podcast discussions. We added to our Virtual Museum collection. We published a monthly Newsletter and held monthly meetings. We laid wreaths at cemeteries and funerals. These are just a few of the things the Caucus has done in 2023, and it couldn’t have been done without all of our Caucus members. Continue to support your Caucus and veterans and military families the world over. Start a Country Committee or Chapter VMF Caucus. To see in more detail what we’ve done in 2023, with links to almost everything, visit our VMF Caucus Webpage. Applications for the Chair of DA Global VMF Chair will soon be solicited by the International Executive Committee. Caucus Chairs are appointed by the International ExCom. Thank you for your contributions and support. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Kee Adams Evans
Editor’s Message
Greetings! As Kee Evans, VMF’s incredible Chair, steps down we express our heartfelt thanks for her work with the VMF Caucus for advocacy activities on behalf of our Veterans and military families, and the steady monthly increase in Caucus membership!
ERA is still on our front burner even if Congress and The White House appear to be casting it aside. There is still some work to do to get the ERA into the Constitution so we need everyone’s help. If you haven't signed the petition, please do so right away and if you have already signed, please share it with everyone you know! (New signees please share it as well!) National ERA Petition.
The Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution is still in the limbo stage, although it has met all the requirements to become the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It still has not been published because the Archivist refuses based on a memo from the Trump Administration, and President Biden refuses saying Congress has to do something, and we all know Congress isn't getting much done, particularly anything in granting rights to women and LGBTQ+ citizens. Democrats Abroad unanimously passed a resolution late last year urging Biden to publish the ERA and for Congress to affirm it as the 28th Amendment. It appears that Congress is not hearing from their constituents on the importance of the ERA. That's where we can help. Let your two Senators and your Representative know that we need their support now for the ERA. Contact Members of Congress. Also spread the word on social media.
Affirm ERA as the 28th Amendment with the Action Button-the power of action is in your hands! Feel free to add to the email template. Just click on the link, enter your US voting address, add your name, and send to all 3 in one easy step.
The Equality Amendment to the New York State Constitution will be on the ballot in November. “It is an amendment to Section 11 of Article 1 of the New York State Constitution, which is about equal protection under the law. The amendment would enshrine in the New York Constitution protections based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, national origin, and other factors. The New York State Bar Association’s Women in Law Section will be dedicating the upcoming year to pushing for the ERA on the federal and state level.” Could our State Teams encourage their states to do the same?
What else can we do to ensure that ERA finally gets into the Constitution this year? We can help every U.S. citizen abroad register to vote and participate in DA’s Global Presidential Primary in March and encourage everyone to return their November Election ballots. Turnout is important. With your help, we can make it happen! DA members have been a formidable force in previous elections. Let’s continue this streak!
Terese Sarno
Please join our caucus to show your support for the U.S. military!
We’re closing in on 100,000 active Signers-4-the ERA. AND...We’re now within just a few votes of getting Congress to act.
From the Sign-4-ERA Team: That’s right. State by state, congressional district by district, Pressure for the ERA on the politicians is mounting. Pressure to at last include women and gender equality in the Constitution.
Thanks to you we’re within a few votes of getting Congress to place the ERA in the Constitution but we need to keep contacting our representatives in Congress.
Our Top New Year's Resolution—Build our ERA Snowball even bigger. RESOLVED: In 2024 the Constitution will add permanent protection for women, for reproductive healthcare, gender equality, personal freedom and democracy. Together we have the power to make 2024 The Year of Women and the Equal Rights Amendment. Only the ERA offers the most permanent protection for reproductive rights, economic equality, LGBT+ rights, personal freedoms and democracy.
Reasons to use www.votefromabroad.org
Using VoteFromAbroad informs your Local Election Officer (LEO) that you are a US resident living abroad. When you use VoteFromAbroad, you can sign your Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) electronically by capturing a photo of your signature; some states do not allow this. If your state allows electronic signature, your ballot will be automatically sent to your LEO. What could be easier?
VoteFromAbroad protects you under the Uniformed And Overseas Citizen Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA). You have certain rights that regular absentee voters do not have.
Your LEO will email your ballot to you no later than 45 calendar days before election day. When you return your ballot, most LEOs will notify you of its receipt by email. Many states allow you to return your ballot electronically.
If there is no record of receipt of your ballot, you can then file a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB). If your original ballot arrives, the FWAB will be spoiled and not counted. You won’t vote twice. VoteFromAbroad has many volunteers to answer questions and provide any help needed.
Request your absentee ballots for 2024. All overseas U.S. citizens must do this every calendar year. Go to www.VoteFromAbroad.org! Let us know when you have requested your absentee ballot! [email protected]
Recent Trends in Housing Cost Burden Among U.S. Military Veterans
MilTax: Free Tax Filing Software & Support
Statement from President Joe Biden on the 51st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Change the way you get involved on climate issues Vote for pro-climate candidates
Texas school board stuns the country with recent move in book banning: ‘Members of the board are clearly motivated …’ Texas residents can vote for new board members who support climate change initiatives.
What’s being done to improve education about pollution?
The Next Generation Science Standards for K-12 students used in 44 states teach that rising temperatures are a real problem caused by humans and that reducing air pollution can fix the issue. Texas residents can vote for new board members who support these standards.
Voter Assistance Training-Help Us Help Overseas Voters
Lawmakers race to approve temporary funding bill to keep VA offices open
GAO to study medical care for DOD civilians on bases in Japan and Guam
A new student loan forgiveness policy is starting sooner than expected
Voting Rights Act's legal challenges to watch in 2024
National Salute to Veteran Patients
January 31 – 11 a.m.-4 p.m. EST Federal Interagency Military Spouse Career Expo
February 3 – Deadline to register (email ok) special election in New York's 3rd Congressional District
February 3 – Four Chaplains Day
February 4 – USO Birthday
February 4 – Philippine-American War Memorial Day
February 6 – Deadline to request ballot (email ok) for special election in New York's 3rd Congressional District. www.VoteFromAbroad.org
February 10 - VMF Caucus Meeting 14:00 EST WebEx link
February 11-17 – National Salute to Veteran Patients
February 12 – Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday Abraham Lincoln: Facts, Assassination
February 13 – Ballots must be postmarked (mail only ballot return) for special election in New York's 3rd Congressional District
February 19 – Presidents Day Is It President’s Day, Presidents’ Day, or Presidents Day?
February 19 – Coast Guard Reserve Birthday
February 20 – World Day of Social Justice
February 22 – George Washington’s Birthday-Life, Accomplishments, & Facts
February 22 – Deadline for receipt of Ballots for New York's 3rd Congressional District
Upcoming DA Activities
More presidential primaries and another funding deadline
Feb. 2: Second government-funding deadline, for the remaining eight funding bills.
Feb. 3: Democratic primary in South Carolina.
Feb. 6: Nevada presidential primary for both parties. Nikki Haley is the only GOP candidate to participate in the primary, which will award zero delegates because the Nevada GOP decided to hold a caucus on Feb. 8.
Feb. 8: Nevada Republican presidential caucus
Feb. 11: Colorado voters have asked the Supreme Court to decide Trump’s eligibility for the ballot by this date, the day before Colorado will begin to mail ballots to voters. The state Supreme Court removed Trump from the ballot because of the insurrection clause in the 14th Amendment.
Feb. 13: New York special election to fill the seat of ousted Congressman Santos.
Feb. 24: South Carolina Republican primary, awards 50 delegates.
Feb. 27: Michigan presidential primary for both parties. But the state’s move of the primary before March 1 violates Republican Party rules. As a compromise, 16 of the 55 Republican delegates will be awarded based on the primary results - the rest will be awarded at the Michigan GOP’s convention March 2.
Can I vote in U.S. elections???
2024 Global Presidential Primary Voting Centers
Plan to vote in person at your DA Country Committee’s or Chapter’s GPP.
States that passed new 2023 voting laws. Here's what it means for 2024
Opinion | The U.S. Lacks What Every Democracy Needs
Reps. Cori Bush and Ayanna Pressley Lead Fight for ERA…
Reps. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) convened an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Centennial Reception Exhibit at the Library of Congress on Dec. 6—
Contact Your Members of Congress to pass the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
If they are not contacted by their constituents, they will ignore adding the ERA to the Constitution. Affirm ERA is the 28th Amendment with the Action Button.
H.R. 2670-National Defense Authorization Act 2024
signed by President Biden on December 22, 2023 became Public Law No: 118-31
Statement from President Biden on H.R. 2670, National Defense Authorization Act
The 27 Bills That Became Law in 2023
Why Does the US Have a Two-Party System?
Women Veterans, VA may surprise you
Aviano Medical Guide 2023-2024: eligibility
Military Exposures & Your Health - 2023 - Issue 11
Live Whole Health #199: Playing with your schedule
Live Whole Health #200: Under pressure? Find relief for low back pain
Live Whole Health #201: Time to set your New Year’s Intention
Live Whole Health #202: Preparing for the New Year
Live Whole Health #203: Embrace the winter sun
Live Whole Health #204: What does your spine have to say?
2 more U.S. soldiers killed during World War II identified…
World War II veteran Archie Fagan on lessons he learned freeing concentration camps
Deported veteran who co-founded resource center to help others …
‘Long-overdue recognition’: Destroyer named after Charles Jackson French
Miss America 2024 winner Madison Marsh is an Air Force officer
Growing up at Naval Academy where his father coached football, Bill Belichick says he’s a ‘Navy man’
Click here for our Spotlight An Interesting Fact about every US President
Click here for our Podcast & Social Media Recommendations
Click here for our Poetry Corner
Click here for our Film and Book Recommendations
Click here for our Brain-Zone Quiz
Click here for our Educational Resources
Click here for our Virtual Museum
The Global VMF Caucus Steering Committee meets once a month.
All Democrats Abroad members are welcome to attend.
WebEx link for February 10, 2024 at 14:00 EST.
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Want to help overseas Americans register to vote? Do you have a suggestion for an event, a special program, or want to share an idea? Contact [email protected] |
Please join our caucus to show your support for the U.S. military!
Editor: Terese Sarno (Germany) |
Veterans and Military Families Caucus Chair: Kee Adams Evans (Guatemala) |
"The struggle of today, is not altogether for today -- it is for a vast future also. With a reliance on Providence, all the more firm and earnest, let us proceed in the great task which events have devolved upon us." – Abraham Lincoln, Message to Congress, 1861