The Democrats Abroad Global Women’s Caucus and Texas State Team stand in solidarity with Democrats in Washington and in state legislatures across the country who are committed to ensuring that American women continue to have access to safe and legal abortions.
With the passage of a new anti-abortion law in Texas known as SB 8, Republican legislators have upped the stakes for future elections. Of course, in classic Republican fashion, they have also raised the hurdles for participating in them, with a slew of voter suppression bills accompanying legislation that strips women of their basic human rights.
But don’t be mistaken: The recent actions in Austin have also further galvanized our resolve and fundamentally changed the way that we will organize in advance of 2022. We will not abandon the women of Texas, nor the Texas voters, who have seen their rights threatened this past week.
About SB 8
SB 8 entered into effect on September 1, 2021, and bans all abortions once a fetal heart beat can be detected, which can be as early as six weeks. Most women do not know they are pregnant at six weeks. As part of this bill, the State of Texas abdicates its enforcement power; instead of state authorities enforcing laws, which is the norm, the law is gives all persons in Texas the right to sue women who exercise their right to seek abortion, as well as those who assist them to do so.
To make matters even worse, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to block SB 8, in a blatant violation of Roe v. Wade which authorizes first trimester abortions without any state intervention.
This dual assault from the Texas state legislature and the U.S. Supreme Court on women’s rights, autonomy, and physical and mental health must not go unanswered. We cannot depend on the U.S. Supreme Court, or any courts which have been packed by Republicans with anti-choice judges, to defend the rights of women everywhere. WE MUST ACT.
JOIN US as we respond to these shameful acts of the Texas State legislature, in the following ways:
Urge your Members of Congress to Support the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) of 2021.
If enacted into law, the WHPA will provide equal access to abortion care for all women and creates legal protection for providers of care. It safeguards access to care in every U.S. state, giving all American women the protection we need against six-week bans, mandatory delay periods, biased counseling, and invasive, medically unnecessary ultrasounds. The majority of Americans support the right of women to govern their bodies themselves––it’s time to raise our voices to fight for these rights and pass the WHPA. Support the WHPA by calling your Members of Congress NOW.
- Save the Date: Request Your 2022 Midterm Ballot on January 1
Go to and fill out the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA), which acts as both a voter registration and ballot request form. In Texas, voters who choose that they “Intend to Return” on their FPCA are placed on voter registration rolls and allowed to vote in state and local elections. All overseas voters must request their ballots at the beginning of each calendar year.
Spread the Word About Democrats Abroad
As the only group serving Democrats living abroad, we track key legislation, provide voter support, and offer opportunities all over the world to volunteer, attend events, and join a thriving community. Encourage your friends and family to join us!
Donate to Democrats Abroad
With the help of DA volunteers around the world, more Texans abroad were able to vote than ever before in 2020 -- and we plan to keep this up in 2022. But we need your help! Please donate $22 so that we can reach as many Texans living abroad as possible!
Stand with us as we fight against these laws in Texas, and all attempts to limit or eliminate the rights that we worked so hard to achieve. Follow the Democrats Abroad Global Women’s Caucus and the Texas State Team to learn more about how you can help.
We are in this together. We are stronger together. We will not go backwards. Now is the time to fight for our rights. With groups already on the ground poised to work with voters in the states, we’re asking you to join us as the only organization serving Democrats living abroad. Help us send a clear message: Don’t mess with Texas voters!
Democratically yours,
Democrats Abroad’s Global Women’s Caucus and Texas State Team