Letter from the Editor
If the last year has taught us anything, it is that humans are just as resilient as Spring’s first blooms after a long and dark winter. While we admire those first sprouts of crocus petals waving their vibrant colors proudly, let us emerge from this past season strong and ready for action, too. Our GWC has a lot going on!
We have a host of events this month in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a new GWC Initiative: Women’s Economic Wellbeing and Leadership, as well as Earth Day. While women and women’s issues are finally getting their deserved attention, our Action Teams are also busy preparing campaigns to warrant you the title of "Activist". Scroll down for important updates, insightful articles on the filibuster and the American Rescue Plan, and make sure to take our March Newsletter quiz! Lastly, we would love your participation in our #MyStoryGWC campaign, where you can connect with other members through shared stories, to highlight the issues most important to us.
We hope you enjoy this edition and we look forward to seeing you at our events!
Stayce Camparo, Communications Co-Chair Global Women’s Caucus
Over 10,000 members and growing! Join us
Spotlighting sexual assault in the U.S. military and the subsequent failures of the military justice system to properly handle this growing crisis, this is an event not to be missed. We'll discuss Sen. Kristin Gillibrand's Military Justice Improvement Act and the challenges to achieving passage of this important piece of legislation
Visit our Events Page to RSVP!
In honor of the GWC’s new Initiative, Women’s Economic Wellness and Leadership, the GWC is sitting down with Professor Linda Scott to discuss how economic growth is driven by empowering women.
Visit our Event Page to RSVP!
The Climate Action Team is curating a list of virtual Earth Day events
for you to participate in
For a full list of events, including from other caucuses & chapters, visit our Events page
- Introducing the GWC’s new initiative under the State of the American Women Project: Women’s Economic Wellbeing and Leadership! Read up about the cause here.
- The Climate Action Team continues its Meatless Monday recipe exchange. Do you have a recipe to share? Go here. Would you like to check out the cookbook? Go here.
- The GWC’s Reproductive Justice Team is asking you to tweet @POTUS to leave the Hyde Amendment out of the fiscal budget.
- The GWC’s Feminist Reading Group, would like to invite you to vote on our next read!
- The Women's Caucus Lands in Spain. Twenty people attended a preliminary organizational meeting of the Democrats Abroad Spain Women’s Caucus on March 18th. We have10,000 current GWC members, with over 300 of those members living in Spain!
- The Global Women’s Caucus is on Twitter! Follow us @dawomenscaucus
- Click here for a list of actions and bills to watch
- Biden delivers on the most diverse Cabinet, with women holding a record ten leading positions.
- On International Women’s Day, President Biden issued an Executive Order establishing the White House Gender Policy Council. Read a statement from the Co-Chairs here.
Our ERA Stories Head to Washington DC
Our ERA stories are on their way to Washington D.C. to be delivered to every U.S. Senator. We collected over 100 stories, from more than 30 countries, representing 37 states. Democrats Abroad will also be emailing them to all the staffers of the Senators on the Judiciary Committee, where the bill now resides.
Click here to read these vulnerable, provocative and timely stories - how could anyone possibly vote against the Equal Rights Amendment after reading these? Some will make you laugh; some will make you cry; all will make you think.
We will continue to collect stories to deliver right before the Senate vote, so if you are inspired, please add yours – post here.
Heads up! Earth Day is April 22, 2021
While you’re calling and writing to your representatives about the Environmental Justice for All Act, learning about the impact of industrial agriculture on the climate and food production, and not falling for fossil fuel industry greenwashing, we hope you will join us in celebrating Earth Day safely from wherever you are! Because we are spread across the globe, and subject to different covid restrictions, The Climate Action Team is curating a list of virtual Earth Day events for you to participate in. With events occurring in multiple time zones, for various age groups, you’re sure to find something fun to join. The list will be continually updated until Earth Day, so if you have a suggestion, please email it to [email protected]
Democrats Tackle the Pandemic’s Devastating Economic Impact on Women
By Carol Moore
The devastating economic hit taken by working women during the Covid recession (hence the new term: “she-session”) is severe, however there is good news since the election of President Biden and Vice-President Harris beyond the vastly increased rate of vaccinations. Read more
Reauthorizing VAWA: Once Bipartisan, Today a Fight for Rights and Protections
By Denise Roig
A matter of justice and compassion. That’s the way President Joe Biden describes the issues at the heart of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2021. Read more
To Filibuster or Not to Filibuster. That is the Question
By Stayce Camparo
With the debate over the filibuster intensifying, many Democrats are pleading the case for its removal. Read more
The State of American Women: Work-related security for women gets a boost with renewed labor initiatives (No.2 of a 2-part series).
By Rebecca Petras
A number of legislative and labor initiatives are underway to improve work-related security for American women. While some broadly support all workers – and may in the short-term address issues brought on by the pandemic – they are especially critical for women. Read more
Anti Choice Legislation: 2021 IS GOING TO BE A BATTLE YEAR
By Salli Swartz
Understandably, State lawmakers are facing multiple challenges in 2021: COVID 19, economy, racism, gerrymandering, voting restrictions, and healthcare to name a few. But despite all of these challenges, legislators have also made time to focus on restricting abortion rights. In the first two months of the year, eight abortion restrictions and bans have been enacted. Read more
Are Americans Abroad Less Prejudiced?
By Stayce Camparo
With roughly 9 million Americans living abroad, what does immersion in another culture offer people, and what, if any, environmental factors impact their behaviors as empathic, tolerant human beings? Read more
We want to hear from you at #MyStoryGWC!
We are collecting stories from our members as part of a personal campaign to add awareness to women’s issues. This month we are asking you to send us something (either written or a short video) about the proliferating violence against women. Women: what do you do/measures do you take to feel safe when out alone? Men: what are your experiences in signaling security when you, for example, see a woman walking alone at night? Send your stories here. And stay tuned to see what people have to say.
“Born in 1947, I grew up being told I could not be the president, or a doctor, or a race car driver. The only options for smart girls were teacher, nurse, or secretary - none of which I wanted to be. I was told not to raise my hand so much in class because I couldn't let the boys know I was smarter than them.” -- Arizona Voter
Did you read our March Newsletter?
Artist Corner: Five Black females are reinventing the image of country music, a genre that has historically been a model of homogeneity. Read the NYTimes article, and check out Artist, Mickey Guyton, who is spotlighted in the article here.
In Closing
As the 2020 general election attested, Democrats Abroad are a force that can make real change. We need your help to influence the policy crucial for gender equality, rights, and justice. Consider joining the Global Women’s Caucus, and connecting with thousands of others on the same mission as we build our community strong. You can also receive newsletters and meet other members at our events. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Our website is constantly being updated with news and actions to get you and your family involved in the righteous campaign for women.
Thank you for reading this issue, and please share with your friends and family.
In solidarity,
The Global Women’s Caucus